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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Supreme Court Upholds Student's Constitutional Right To Religious Fredom Of Expression


SmileyFlagWaver-2In Baldwinsville School District v. Peck, the high court let stand a ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals that prohibited public schools from censoring the religious viewpoints of students in class assignments.

The court's decision "serves as a warning to school officials who engage in viewpoint discrimination and trample on the civil liberties of students."

Supreme Court Won't Rule on Kindergartener's Religious Discrimination Case

~ By Melanie Hunter Senior Editor
April 24, 2006

( - The Supreme Court Monday refused to hear the case of a New York kindergartner who sued his school after the Jesus poster he submitted for a class assignment on saving the environment was allegedly censored.

In Baldwinsville School District v. Peck, the high court let stand a ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals that prohibited public schools from censoring the religious viewpoints of students in class assignments.

Antonio Peck and his parents filed the lawsuit, saying his free speech rights were violated when school officials folded his poster in half to block any view of Jesus. The poster depicted Jesus kneeling on one knee with his hands open to the sky.

"Today's ruling is a victory for religious freedom and students who have been singled out for discrimination by overzealous school officials," said Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, in a statement.

"In a nation founded on religious freedom, it is appalling that a kindergarten student would be subjected to censorship and humiliation simply for expressing his religious viewpoint," said Perkins.

Perkins said the court's decision "serves as a warning to school officials who engage in viewpoint discrimination and trample on the civil liberties of students."

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Home-Schoolers Field Their Own Sports Teams


The Washington Times Insider

SmileyFlagWaver-2Fifteen states REQUIRE public schools to allow home-schoolers access to classes or sports, according to the Home School Legal Defense Association in Purcellville, Va. -- Virginia and the District are NOTamong them.

The legal group argues that since home-schooling families pay taxes that are used for public education, they should not be excluded from public sports programs.

Home-Schoolers Field Own Teams

~ By Michael Hunsberger
April 30, 2006

Matthew Werking, 16, makes passes during a drill, as the Central Maryland Christian Crusaders take their second day of practice.
Matthew Werking, 16, makes passes during a drill, as the Central Maryland Christian Crusaders take their second day of practice.

Home-schooling parents in Frederick County, learning that their children could not play on high school football teams, decided not to punt. They formed their own squad instead.

"My son and daughter have not been able to play football or cheer because the [community] programs end at eighth grade," says Terry Delph, who with fellow home-school mother Nancy Werking co-founded the Central Maryland Christian Crusaders.

"This team is really, really needed," she says.

The Crusaders now are the second football team in Maryland made up entirely of home-school and private-school students. The Maryland Christian Saints first took the field last year in Harford County, north of Baltimore.

"You can be a Christian, hit really hard on the football field and still glorify God," Mrs. Delph says.

The Crusaders and their cheerleader squad for girls yesterday held their second informal practice at St. Stephen's Reformed Episcopal Church in Eldersburg, Md. Official practices are set to begin July 31.

The football team currently includes 28 boys, while nine girls have signed up as cheerleaders.

Mrs. Delph's son, Bobby, 16, hopes to play defense for the Crusaders.

"I think that we have a really good team and a really good program," he says. "I am excited."

Bobby went to public school until eighth grade, when Mrs. Delph became concerned that he was falling behind. She pulled him out and began home-schooling him.

Her daughter, Megan, 14, cheered for nine years for the community youth-football team. Now she helps her mom teach cheers to the other girls.

"I think it will be a great opportunity," Megan says. "It will be a lot of fun."

Many of the children already know each other from a home-school support group, and Mrs. Delph and Mrs. Werking's sons already were friends.

David Arenz, one of the Saints' coaches, said he anticipates more football teams in Maryland being started by home-schooling families.

"As more parents see this as something that is [possible], more teams will show up," he says.

The two Maryland home-school teams will play each other in a couple of scrimmages at the beginning of the season, then in two regular-season games.

The Crusaders have nine games scheduled. They and the Saints cannot play against public schools, so their games will be against other private-school or home-school teams. The Saints have traveled as far away as Philadelphia to play, organizers say.

Both teams are overseen by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which helps with fundraising and provides guidance and insurance. The nonprofit, interdenominational ministry is one of the nation's largest Christian sports organizations.

The ministry was founded in 1954 to challenge athletes and coaches from the professional ranks down to the youth leagues to use athletics to exemplify the life of Jesus. Among those in its Hall of Champions are PGA golfer Larry Nelson and Roger Staubach, the Heisman Trophy winner and former Dallas Cowboys quarterback.

The Crusaders' parents and players have raised nearly $30,000 for uniforms, tackling dummies and, of course, footballs. Football is an expensive sport, Mrs. Delph points out, especially without state funding.

Mrs. Delph says she does not expect home-schooled children in Maryland ever will be allowed to play on public school teams. "And if it does happen, it won't be in my kids' time," she says.

Fifteen states require public schools to allow home-schoolers access to classes or sports, according to the Home School Legal Defense Association in Purcellville, Va. Virginia and the District are not among them.

The legal group argues that since home-schooling families pay taxes that are used for public education, they should not be excluded from public sports programs.

Home-schooling was not recognized as legal by most states until the early 1990s. Today, it is legal in some form in every state.

The Crusaders' head coach, the Rev. Eric Jorgensen, is a home-schooling father with five sons. His 10th-grade son, David, is on the team.

Mr. Jorgensen worked for three years to get a bill through the state legislature that would allow students not attending public schools to play on public school teams -- only to see the bill fail each time.

"We eventually gave up because our kids were getting older," Mr. Jorgensen says.

Copyright © 1999 - 2006 News World Communications, Inc.

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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Gas Price Blame Game



Oil is a worldwide commodity, with worldwide influences on its price. There is no single culprit in the rising price of oil, but the fact is that blaming the oil companies themselves is myopic and punishing them is counterproductive.

We must develop our domestic sources -- environmentalists notwithstanding. We must reduce our dependency on foreign sources of oil. We must build new refineries. We must reduce consumption. We must encourage alternative fuels. We must remove the disincentives to explore for new oil deposits.

The Gas Price Blame Game

USA/Doug Edelman
April 29, 2006

There is no denying the pain felt at the pump as gas prices flirt with the $3.00 a Gallon mark. The life blood of this nation IS oil, whether we like or acknowledge it or not. So when gas prices rise there is a predictable rush to blame someone. Bill O'Reilly has been a crusader in the effort to blame the oil companies for "gouging". But is he right? Democrats, smelling blood in the water, are ready to levy new punitive and confiscatory taxes on the oil companies. Have they considered the "Law of Unintended Consequences'? A "Windfall Profit Tax" to punish the oil companies for making a profit? Let's look a bit closer.

Yes, the oil companies operate in a world of big numbers. Their profits are in the billions. But is that obscene? Think of the trillions of gallons of oil our nation consumes (not to mention the burgeoning demand of other nations). They are meeting an incredible demand, and doing so with a profit to costs ratio in the 9 to 10% range. Few businesses can operate at all on that small a margin. It's hardly an obscene rate of return.

The companies bear the costs of purchasing all that oil -- much of if from less than friendly sources abroad, transporting it halfway around the world, refining it, meeting governmental regulations for upwards of 25 different custom blended formulations of gasoline -- not to mention motor oil, home heating oil, kerosene and other petrochemicals, and the demands of the plastics industry. They must then transport and distribute these products around the country. Getting crude oil out of the ground in Saudi Arabia -- turning it into a legal-to-sell-in-Podunk blend of gasoline -- and then getting to the Podunk Gas-n-Wash on Main Street is not exactly an inexpensive proposition.

And who gets those profits? The shareholders. How many shares are in circulation?? I wouldn't dare speculate … but is there any mutual fund out there that doesn't have SOME of it's assets in oil? Do you have a 401K or IRA? You are probably an oil profiteer!

What would happen to the economy if suddenly the value of every mutual fund in America were to have to absorb the impact of confiscatory taxes on the oil companies?? The Law of Unintended Consequences!

Bill O'Reilly has touted that it is the patriotic duty of the oil companies to hold the line on prices against their increased costs because we are in a time of war. Hey, Bill. How about the CABLE TV people holding off price increases … we're at war! Why is a pound of hamburger so expensive these days? We're at war, for goodness sake!

It seems to me that the oil companies ARE doing some level of holding the line. When oil was $20 a barrel, we were used to gasoline around $1 a gallon. Why then wouldn't gasoline break thru the $3 a gallon mark by the time the cost of crude went over $65? But it's at $70 and the average price nationwide is only now just bumping the $3 mark. There is some restraint built in there! The cost of crude has gone up 3.5 times since we saw dollar-a-gallon gas, yet we're just now getting to $3 at the pump. And while sudden oil price rises make news, several times in the last year there were precipitous drops in the price -- which, while temporary (all pricing in this market is temporary!) these drops received little press.
So who CAN we blame for our pump-pain? There is plenty of blame to go around.

Did you realize that for every gallon sold, more money goes to the Federal, State and Local Tax coffers than to the bottom line of the oil companies? Who is the oil profiteer? The government profits MORE than the oil companies, and they don't have to find, buy, transport, refine, or distribute anything. And that's just in direct taxes on the gas! They also tax the company's profits. Blame government taxes.

India, China, Korea and other nations have finally moved into the 21st century. As their economies grow, so does their demand for oil. OPEC no longer feels any pressure to keep prices in line, as we are not their only or even their biggest market anymore! If WE drop our consumption -- they'll just sell more to other nations happy to pay the price. Europe has been paying over $4.00/gallon for years. We have enjoyed prices artificially lower than the market price in the rest of the world for a long time. As the world's economies become increasingly global, what makes us think we can continue to get discount prices when other markets pay full price? Blame the emerging nations!

Did you know that government regulations on gasoline formulations force the oil companies to create numerous custom blends that can only be sold in specific regions? The companies must predict the demand in each of these markets so their refineries can produce one blend for so long, and then another. If they miscalculate, there will be a glut in one area and a shortage in another. The glut cannot be tapped to meet the shortage, because the formulations may not be sold across regions. So instead the price drops in the region with the glut, and rises in the region of the shortage. Then the people in the shortage area note their price is higher than perhaps their neighboring state … and they cry "Gouging!" Blame the environmentalists who pushed for the boutique blends regulations.

We have not built a new refinery since the Carter Administration, yet several have come off line in that time. With reduced refining capacity, the burdens of boutique formulations, and environmental regulations -- even with adequate crude supplies, heavy demand outstrips the capacity to turn that crude into marketable product. Blame the environmentalists who won't let us build refineries!

Our dependence on foreign sources of crude makes us beholden to the pricing whims of nations not always friendly to our interests. Where is the oil we import coming from? Islamic nations of the Middle East, Venezuela, & Mexico primarily. Not exactly our blood-brother allies. On the other hand, environmental groups quash every attempt to develop our domestic reserves. Alaska? Off Florida? California? There's plenty of oil to extract, but the environmentalists won't let us drill. Once we pay the price at the foreign well-head we still have to transport all this crude halfway around the world on Diesel Burning ships! Very eco-friendly!

The environmentalists complain that drilling in ANWR might disturb some native caribou, yet one square mile of tundra looks like another … they can walk a mile and not even see a drilling rig! They worry about the possibility of pipeline spills -- yet existing pipelines have excellent records in that regard. Where a spill does occur, it is always of limited scope as turning a valve upstream from a rupture cuts the flow. On the other hand, floating billions of barrels of crude across the oceans in tankers isn't exactly without risk. The possibility of dropping the entire load of a tanker is absolutely frightening. Of course, a wreck of the magnitude of the Exxon Valdez is rare -- but ships can and do get into trouble on the high seas. And what is the first line of defense a ship's captain has against foundering in angry weather? Yes, lightening the ship by jettisoning cargo! Now THERE is an environmentally friendly thought! Blame the environmentalists who won't let us drill our own resources!

As in ANY commodity trading, uncertainty and instability raise prices. The current fears regarding Iran's nuclear capabilities and other Mideast turmoil certainly casts doubts and uncertainties on the markets. This drives up prices. Blame the jihadists who can't coexist with anyone else in this world!

Oil is a worldwide commodity, with worldwide influences on its price. There is no single culprit in the rising price of oil, but the fact is that blaming the oil companies themselves is myopic and punishing them is counterproductive.

We must develop our domestic sources -- environmentalists notwithstanding. We must reduce our dependency on foreign sources of oil. We must build new refineries. We must reduce consumption. We must encourage alternative fuels. We must remove the disincentives to explore for new oil deposits.

The machine that is the United States runs on gas, and is lubricated with oil. The oil companies are very efficient at delivering those commodities to us despite numerous obstacles as listed above. But putting more obstacles in their way is not going to get more oil here, and won't make it any cheaper.

The New Media © 2006

Doug Edelman is a conservative political commentator by avocation and passion, based in the western suburbs of St. Louis, MO. For the support of his family, however, he is also an IT Consultant/Contractor and owner of a Computer Services Business. He has taught PC Maintenance & Repair and Networking at his local Community College, and maintains a blog at

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Monday, April 24, 2006

America: On The Eve Of Destruction



The Western World
It is explodin'
Violence flarin'
Bullets loadin'

Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say
And can't you feel the fears I'm feelin' today

There'll be no one to save
With the whole world in a grave
Take a look around you boy,
It's bound to scare you boy

Yeah, my blood's so mad
Feels like coagulatin'
I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin'
I can't twist the truth
It knows no regulation
Handful of senators don't pass legislation

When human respect is disintegratin'
This whole crazy world
Is just too frustratin'

And think of all the hate there is in Red China

Ah you may leave here for four days in space
But when you return it's the same old place
The poundin' of the drums
The pride and disgrace
You can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace
Hate your next door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace

But you tell me over, and over, and over, and over again my friend
You don't believe we're on the eve of destruction

No, no, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction

-- Barry McGuire [The Eve Of Destruction] (edited)

America's "Smoke-And-Mirrors" Economic System: Destroying America


~ By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
April 24, 2006

In my previous article, I introduced the term "Suckernomics." The reception to this new term was very positive, so I have decided to expand upon its principles. Suckernomics is the process whereby the American public is made, and kept, economically ignorant. It begins even in elementary school, and the following is a list of some of its basic principles. The list is not meant to be exhaustive, and I am sure that you, the reader, will be able to add examples to it.

1, Don't teach students basic reading and math skills, so they will not be able to compete economically against those of other nations.

2, Convince Americans that more money is needed to solve our educational problems, even though a tremendous increase in educational funding has occurred over the past 4 decades, with negative results.

3, Teach children that petroleum products come from decayed fossils, even though there is no evidence of massive numbers of dinosaurs or massive amounts of vegetation in Middle Eastern desert regions or in the North Sea or near Alaska where large deposits of oil have been found. Don't let them know petroleum products are plentiful and come from methane derivatives, available through deep-drilling techniques used by the Russians for decades. Otherwise, they won't believe there's an oil shortage, and pay continuously rising prices.

4, Require Americans to pay about 40% of their annual income in taxes, but tell them that they are still better off than the serfs of feudal days who paid a smaller percent of their production to the nobles.

5, Persuade Americans that they should pay taxes for government programs which operate less efficiently than if run by private enterprise.

6, Entice Americans to purchase items on credit, even though that increases the cost of the goods by 10-20%.

7, Have Americans place a large percent of their paycheck into a Social Security "Trust Fund," which Congress then raids, leaving future senior citizens wondering what happened to their hard-earned money for retirement.

8, Allow the federal government to get away with posting an inflation rate that does not include increases in the price of food and fuel.

9, Give authority regarding trade decisions to the World Trade Organization, run by unelected bureaucrats overseas who can tell Congress it has to change our laws. Convince Americans that this is "free trade" when it is actually "managed trade," because many nations still have trade restrictions and subsidize industries in their own countries.

10, Dismiss calls for "fair trade," claiming American workers can compete against slave and child labor.

11, Persuade Americans there are still such things as "American corporations" as ownership increasingly goes overseas (e.g., 97% of sound recording industries, 65% of metal ore mining, 64% of motion picture and video industries, 63% of book publishers, etc.).

12, Have Americans believe that profits from American companies still stay in the U.S. (e.g., Amoco's profits go to England, Random House's and Chrysler's profits go to Germany, Gerber's profits go to Switzerland, TransAmerica's profits go to The Netherlands, etc.).

13, Convince Americans that government incentives for American companies to locate offices/jobs overseas will not harm the job prospects of American workers (even comedian Jay Leno said President Bush went to India to visit the American jobs that had relocated there).

14, Persuade Americans that NAFTA and GATT would bring high-paying high-tech jobs to the U.S., while increasing numbers of high-tech jobs are outsourced to India, etc., and while President Bush and Congress propose dramatically increasing (from 65,000 to 350,00 annually) the number of H-1B visas so that high-tech foreign workers can come to the U.S.

15, Convince Americans that increasing numbers of guest workers working for minimum wage (because they are placed, for example, 10 in a house and pay only 1/10th each for expenses) will not undercut American workers in many industries (e.g., fast foods, construction, hotel and motel, grass-cutting, carpet-cleaning, etc.) who have to pay 100% of their own expenses.

16, Persuade Americans increasingly to purchase cheap foreign-made products here, leaving them to wonder why they cannot find a good-paying American job anymore.

17, Convince Americans that they have still gotten their monies' worth purchasing cheap products from overseas even though they don't last as long as American-made products.

18, Have government severely regulate/limit the use of people's private property, but still require them to pay the full amount of taxes on their property.

19, Force/coerce people to turn over their private property to the government in the name of preserving a pristine environment, but then this same property is contracted out to developers/mining companies, etc., for exploitation.

20, Drastically reduce the United States manufacturing base, yet assure Americans that having missile parts, etc., made in Communist China or elsewhere will not compromise our national security at any time, especially during wartime.

21, Persuade Americans that building up the economy of Communist China via investment and trade will not strengthen their military with which they can threaten/attack us. Also convince Americans that giving the Communist Chinese advanced missile technology will not aid them militarily either, if they decide to attack the U.S., Taiwan, Japan, or some other nation in the future.

22, Assure Americans that genetically modified foods and animals are economically beneficial, even though the long-term health consequences of such genetic modification is unknown. In an experiment, half of a field was planted with unmodified soybeans and the other half of the field with genetically modified soybeans -- geese refused to eat the genetically modified soybeans! Do they know something we don't know?

23, Spend millions of American tax dollars to build the Panama Canal and then hand it over to a Panamanian dictator who sells operation rights at either end of the canal to the Communist Chinese who could destroy it if in a war with the U.S. in the future.

24, Have millions of American tax dollars spent on political campaigns to oust Slobodan Milosevic as leader of Yugoslavia at the same time Americans are expressing outrage over Communist Chinese political campaign contributions to American candidates.

25, Spend millions of American tax dollars on textbooks teaching Afghan children jihad (holy war) against foreign invaders, causing the Afghans when grown to fight against the U.S. invasion.

26, Americans give millions of dollars in foreign aid to countries that give large amounts of money to terrorists who want to destroy us (this is the "sell them the rope with which they'll hang us" principle).

The result of suckernomics will be a further withering of the middle class, resulting in a techno-feudal society ruled by an elite. Not only will this be a return to feudalism, but the "suckers" have also been conditioned to accept "futilism" -- the idea that it is futile for them to resist dominance by a power elite intent upon synthesizing Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism into a World Socialist Government under the elite's control (an updated, indexed edition of my book, THE ROAD TO SOCIALISM AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER, will soon be published).

© 2006 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved

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Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.

Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.

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