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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Were Evangelicals Played For Suckers?


Chuck Baldwin Live

Smiley Flag Waver
Did G.W. Bush and Karl Rove simply dupe the Religious Right? A Bush insider now says that is exactly what happened: GOP strategists played evangelical believers for suckers.

GOP strategists successfully convinced Christian leaders "that Jesus came primarily for a political agenda, and recently primarily a right-wing political agenda -- as if this culture war is a war for God. And it's not a war for God, it's a war for politics. And that's a huge difference."

The entire evangelical community has been duped.

Were Evangelicals Played For Suckers?

~ By Chuck Baldwin
October 17, 2006

No president in American history played the "God card" any better than George W. Bush. Early in his 2000 presidential campaign, Bush convinced fundamentalist/evangelical Christian leaders that he was "their" man. Those Christian leaders went on to promote and support Mr. Bush to the tune of two successful presidential election victories. To this day, they comprise his most loyal base of support.

But was it all a sham? Did G.W. Bush and Karl Rove simply dupe the Religious Right? A Bush insider now says that is exactly what happened: GOP strategists played evangelical believers for suckers.

David Kuo has a long record of Christian conservatism. His resume includes tenure with such notable Republican leaders as William Bennett, John Ashcroft, Bob Dole, and Congressman J.C. Watts. Most recently, he served as Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Deputy Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

In his column, Shooting from the Heart, Kuo wrote that receiving President Bush's invitation to become Deputy Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives "was a dream come true for me." Kuo believed he had teamed with a man who sincerely intended to promote Christian conservatism in and through his administration. Now Kuo believes that he (and the entire evangelical community) had been duped.

Kuo has written a new book entitled Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction. He also sat down with CBS reporter Lesley Stahl for a 60 Minutes interview that aired this past Sunday.

Kuo writes in his book that White House staffers would roll their eyes at evangelicals, calling them "nuts" and "goofy." Asked if that was really their attitude, Kuo told Stahl, "Oh, absolutely. You name the important Christian leader and I have heard them mocked by serious people in serious places."

Kuo said that people in the White House referred to Pat Robertson as "insane," Jerry Falwell as "ridiculous," and James Dobson as having "to be controlled."

Kuo believes that GOP strategists successfully convinced Christian leaders "that Jesus came primarily for a political agenda, and recently primarily a right-wing political agenda-as if this culture war is a war for God. And it's not a war for God, it's a war for politics. And that's a huge difference."

Kuo points out that President Bush would use catch-phrases to convince believers. For example, in one speech Bush said, "There's power, wonder-working power in the goodness and idealism and faith of the American people."

The phrase "wonder working power" sailed over the heads of the media, but most evangelical Christians recognized it immediately from the great old hymn, Power In The Blood.

Kuo went on to say that "God and politics had become very much fused together into a sort of a single entity. Where, in a way, politics was the fourth part of the trinity. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and God the politician."

Kuo now feels badly for allowing politicians to use Christians (and the issues they embrace) as they did. He said, "I feel like it was more spiritually wrong. You're taking the sacred and you're making it profane. You're taking Jesus and reducing him to some precinct captain, to some get-out-the-vote guy." Kuo added, "[T]he name of God is just being destroyed in the name of politics."

Kuo is calling evangelical Christians to take a "fast" from politics. He said, "People are being manipulated. Good, well-meaning people are being told, 'Send your money to this Christian advocacy group or that.' And that's the answer. It's just not the answer. It's not the answer."

Kuo expects strong attacks from the White House and its supporters. He knows he will be viewed as a betrayer and that they will "go after him." He expects that he will be labeled as a "liberal" or an "idealist." But David Kuo says he is fine with that. He said, "I felt like I had to write this."

David Kuo's book should serve as a wake up call for America's evangelical community. We have been had. It's time to admit it.

From the cover-up of Congressman Mark Foley's debauchery (a cover-up that continues), to federal spending that is out-of-control, to an unprovoked, preemptive invasion against Iraq, to the "No Child Left Behind" education monstrosity, to the Patriot Act's decimation of the Fourth Amendment, to the building of an Orwellian surveillance society, the Bush administration has trampled on virtually every principle upon which America was founded.

No matter how badly evangelical Christians want to believe President Bush, no matter how desperately they want to enjoy access to the White House, no matter how deeply they feel obligated to support the Republican Party, it is time to face the truth that the GOP's only interest has been to use them for the simple purpose of winning elections.

Yet, there is an even greater lesson that evangelical Christians need to learn, and that is the lesson taught us in our own history. America's founders fought this battle more than 200 years ago and found that the greatest protection for religious liberty and principle was the implementation of, and loyalty to, the U.S. Constitution.

As Thomas Jefferson said, "In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

Christians need to be less enamored with the religious professions and promises of politicians and much more committed to making sure that their elected representatives uphold their oaths of office to the Constitution. Fidelity to the Constitution will successfully address most of the issues evangelical Christians care about. It will even address the ones they don't care about, but should. It's not a "fast" from politics that Christians need, it's a rededication to constitutional government.

© Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included.

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Election 2006: Turn The Rascals Out


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Lancaster, PA 17602

Smiley Flag WaverThose who see 2006 as a potential breakout year for the Constitution Party, fall mainly into two categories -- those who are thoroughly disgusted with all the national parties' response to the invasion of illegals and those who have finally had enough of the hypocrisy of limited government talk and welfare state walk. In addition, there are many who have finally come to the edge with Republican lack of resolve on a broad range of social issues, especially abortion and the homosexual agenda, commitment to a perpetual state of war, and a police state mentality that so willingly will use fears of the masses as an excuse for an ever expanding, pervasive, controlling government in a march toward totalitarianism.


~ By James N. Clymer
Constitution Party National Chairman

Election Day is just around the corner. Hardly a day goes by that someone doesn’t share a new insight on how the major parties (most often the Republicans) have betrayed their base and have become irrelevant as any hope of restoring this Republic. There is a perception that there will be a major shakeup this election and the Constitution Party should be positioning itself to be the beneficiary.

Those who see 2006 as a potential breakout year for the Constitution Party, fall mainly into two categories – those who are thoroughly disgusted with all the national parties' response to the invasion of illegals and those who have finally had enough of the hypocrisy of limited government talk and welfare state walk. In addition, there are many who have finally come to the edge with Republican lack of resolve on a broad range of social issues, especially abortion and the homosexual agenda, commitment to a perpetual state of war, and a police state mentality that so willingly will use fears of the masses as an excuse for an ever expanding, pervasive, controlling government in a march toward totalitarianism.

It is times like these that I wish we had figured out a way to have hundreds more candidates on the ballot this election. As it is, we have a goodly number of high quality candidates who are poised to make a significant impact. There are several that could win! This could indeed be the breakout year that gives encouragement to hundreds and even thousands of constitutionally minded candidates to run in 2008.

Be a part of the CP explosion this fall. Show your support for our candidates by rushing a campaign contribution to the CP campaign(s) of your choice. If no candidate is running in your state, adopt a candidate from another state. Make your contribution as large as you possibly can. From one who has been in a number of races, I can tell you it’s lonely out there! It is easy to feel like you have been left out to swing in the wind.

Be an encourager. If at all possible, contribute to our candidates and send along a word of encouragement. Go beyond that and visit the state websites to learn of candidates for state house and senate races and send them a contribution and a word of encouragement as well. Let them know how much you appreciate their sacrifice and willingness to face the firing squad of an often hostile media. But do it quickly because the election is almost upon us and they need your help now. Then on November 7th, rejoice with the victorious and weep with those who have labored hard, but come up short.

Click here to find out who's running, and be sure to visit the state websites as well.

Do you want to learn more about the Constitution Party and meet other Constitutionalists? Have you considered attending the Constitution Party National Committee meeting December 1 and 2 in Concord, New Hampshire? Click here for more information.

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Election 2006: Republicans Deserve To Lose



Smiley Flag WaverWith congressional elections less than three weeks away, Republicans are extremely nervous about possible major losses in both chambers. To which I say, "They deserve to lose!"

The Republican Party in Washington, D.C., has done nothing to show the American people that they are any better than the Democrats. They have exploded the level of federal spending. They have broken promise after promise to their conservative constituents. With total control of the entire federal government, Republicans have created a Big Brother regime that Democrats could only dream about. This is not the kind of leadership that deserves to be rewarded with reelection.


~ By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

October 20, 2006

The foibles of the current power structure in Washington, D.C., continue to mount. It has gotten so bad that it is becoming extremely difficult to tell who the good guys are anymore. Those of us who expected Republicans to provide some sanity to national leadership have been jolted into the reality that there is little if any relief when the GOP is at the helm.

Just this past week, President George W. Bush boldly proclaimed that "part of the solution to illegal immigration 'must' include a way for those already in the United States but without legal authorization to be given that status." (Source: World Net Daily) In other words, amnesty.

In spite of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans strongly disapprove of any form of amnesty for illegal aliens, President Bush seems determined to provide just that. Such a policy certainly makes the President's "war on terror" seem disingenuous.

With upwards of 20 million illegals already here and millions more pouring unimpeded across our southern border, the prospect that terrorists are already among us is very real. Last year, the Washington Times reported that Hezbollah has been infiltrating the United States and is believed to have cells in at least ten U.S. cities. How many other terrorists have snuck across the border is anyone's guess. Yet, President Bush fully intends to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. However, the push for amnesty does not extend to unborn babies.

The U.S. Supreme Court last week, without comment or dissent, "rejected a request from Sandra Cano, the Georgia woman who was used as the plaintiff in the 1973 ruling that created a 'health' exception for abortions, to reconsider the case." (Source: World Net Daily) This was the infamous Doe v. Bolton ruling that, along with the Roe v. Wade decision, legalized abortion-on-demand in all three trimesters for virtually any reason.

Please understand that all but two of the current Supreme Court justices were appointed by Republican presidents, including the last two, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, who were appointed by G.W. Bush. So, once again, a Republican-dominated Supreme Court has reaffirmed abortion-on-demand. This latest decision does not send a hopeful message to pro-life conservatives who were assured that Bush's Supreme Court appointees would help tip the balance of the Court in favor of protecting unborn babies.

Add to the above the recent announcement by FBI Director Robert Mueller that he expects Internet service providers to record and store their customers' online activities. (Source: CNET Of course, this is merely the latest example of how the Bush administration desires to turn America into an Orwellian surveillance society. In fact, the American people today are under as much, if not more, government scrutiny than people in communist China.

With congressional elections less than three weeks away, Republicans are extremely nervous about possible major losses in both chambers. To which I say, "They deserve to lose!"

The Republican Party in Washington, D.C., has done nothing to show the American people that they are any better than the Democrats. They have exploded the level of federal spending. They have broken promise after promise to their conservative constituents. With total control of the entire federal government, Republicans have created a Big Brother regime that Democrats could only dream about. This is not the kind of leadership that deserves to be rewarded with reelection.

Until the American people awaken (and I hope it is soon) to the fact that neither of the two major parties deserves their support and start electing truly independent, constitutionally-minded people to public office, the best we can hope for is gridlock. At least when Republicans and Democrats are attacking each other, they are not attacking the liberties of the American people. I shudder to think what two more years of total Republican domination would look like. It would doubtless look as bad as when Democrats enjoyed exclusive power.

As it stands right now, no matter which party wins the elections, the American people and constitutional government continue to lose. It really is difficult to know who the good guys are, isn't it?

© 2006 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, and are not for sale or resale.

Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence.

Dr. Baldwin is the host of a lively, hard-hitting syndicated radio talk show on the Genesis Communications Network called, "Chuck Baldwin Live" This is a daily, one hour long call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view. Pastor Baldwin writes weekly articles on the internet and newspapers.

To learn more about his radio talk show please visit his web site at: When responding, please include your name, city and state.


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Democrat Party Doesn't Care About Working Class


Devvy Kidd

Smiley Flag WaverI have belonged to no party since 1996. My blind loyalty isn't to either one of the evil machines passing themselves off as a two party system; they are just two wings on the same bird of prey. Let me tell you just a few of the ways the Democratic Party has betrayed the working class ...


~ By: Devvy Kidd
October 21, 2006

"The New Deal will bring the Communist Party within striking distance of overthrow of the American form of government. ..." --Arthur Henning, 1935, Chicago Tribune. "... The New Deal is to America what the early phase of Nazism was to Germany." --Mark Sullivan, Buffalo Evening News, 1935

My column on the women's vote drew the usual screeching from women who know nothing about the U.S. Constitution, but instead, have given their blind loyalty to Marxists like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, drunks like Teddy Chappaquidick Kennedy and craven hucksters like Harry Reid. The sissy men in the Democratic Party kow tow to sexual deviants, women who demand the "right" to murder their unborn baby on demand and every other special interest hot button group in the country. These weak kneed pansies spit on their oath of office every day by promising to violate the supreme law of the land for votes by those who have been duped by this machine since FDR took his place in history and began the systematic destruction of the working class.

I have belonged to no party since 1996. My blind loyalty isn't to either one of the evil machines passing themselves off as a two party system; they are just two wings on the same bird of prey. Let me tell you just a few of the ways the Democratic Party has betrayed the working class:

Taxing them to death (and, yes, I will get to the Republicans in my next column). How many good, decent Americans who belong to the Democratic Party know anything about the Federal Reserve and it's feeding artery, the IRS? Oh, they complain about taxes, everyone does. But, do Democratic voters have any real understanding that in order to feed the unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve Banking System, Congress will continue to steal the sweat off their backs in bigger and bigger chunks via heavier taxation until they retire in poverty? If you would like to learn about the "FED," my Reading Room is full of books; you can read an indictment against the "FED" here. Sixteen years ago I woke up and it wasn't because of the taxation issue, it was because of the privately owned Federal Reserve and its systematic looting of the American people.

America's participation in the communist United Nations is unconstitutional; see here. America should never have become a member of the an organization whose mission is to destroy the sovereignty of our republic. The American people are being raped in taxes to fund this corrupt cabal while being further dragged into a one world totalitarian nightmare. This is NOT what our military have fought and died for in every war since WWI. Every Democrat in Congress votes to continue stealing from your wallet to fund this maniacal operation. Before vote fraud began stealing our elections, we actually had real statesmen and women in Congress:

On January 9, 1953, Senator John W. Bricker gave a speech titled, 'Our Liberty Must be Guarded.' This was a major discussion about the loss of our sovereignty and the passing of the UN Covenant of Human Rights. Bricker felt there wasn't much chance of getting it passed [this was before electronic ballot fraud started insuring no more loyal Americans would serve in Congress, only the corrupt, the ignorant and the supporters of globalism] but he nonetheless said:

"But the Constitution should be amended now to forestall a loss of freedom to our children and to oncoming generations through the power of treaties and executive agreements designed to circumvent the Constitution."

February 3, 1953, Congressman Burdick, asking the question, "Mr. Speaker, the subject I was going to speak on now and do speak on is: What can this country, the U.S. do to prevent the United Nations from destroying the Constitution of the United States of America and the constitution and laws of the various states of the Union?" The liberals and the government's media apparatus all chant that the UN is the answer to the world's problems of violence, terrorism and ethnic cleansing. What rubbish. What pure, undiluted propaganda.

January 15,1962, Congressman Utt: "You can expect to see a one world government, Communist controlled, under the United Nations. You will see the United Nations run up astronomical debts, which we, under the terms of the treaty, are bound to pay."

We're talking hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars to fund the anti-American agenda of the UN, the International Monetary Fund, USAID and World Bank. There is NO constitutional authority to steal from the people's treasury to fund these mechanisms bankrupting America, yet not one single Democrat in Congress has stepped forward to end our participation in any of them because they are owned by the banking cartels. Showing their civic ignorance, every Democrat in Congress, like a drunk who can't get it straight, constantly regurgitates "our democracy." How many folks in America who vote Democrat know that America is NOT a democracy, but a constitutional republic? They don't. Learn the difference by clicking here. Print it out, read it and reject democracy:

"Democracy is the most vile form of government ... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." James Madison, known as the Father of the U.S. Constitution

In 1996 in my Blind Loyalty booklet, I wrote about The Democratic Socialists of America and the 57 members in Congress - all Democrats - who belong to this organization working to undermine America and our legal form of government. Nary a ripple crossed this great country. It's no great secret that a large number of Hollywood icons and "stars" throw bushels of money at the Democrats each election. Why? Because they want the Democratic Party to continue their agenda ranging from fascism, socialism to communism cloaked in "democracy" and "liberalism." Why? Because they obviously believe in the ideology of those forms of government. Back on October 9, 1999, I wrote a column on Warren Beatty and this very issue. I hope you can take the time to read it over a cup of coffee or on your lunch break. You will find it shocking.

The illegals invasion. No matter how many times you define legal vs illegal aliens, Democrats in Congress go into their socialist spiel about human rights, jobs Americans won't do and all the other claptrap. After all, they need those votes from illegals voting. Both Frosty Wooldridge and I have done extensive writing on this invasion which is one of the major factors contributing to the death of the middle class and jobs. If one listens, I mean really listens to the garbage out of the mouths of "liberal" Democrats about illegals, it all boils down to endorsing and rewarding foreigners who smuggle themselves into our country, committing a criminal act in the process. That's what Democrats in Congress wish to reward right along with the RINOs serving in that corrupt body of lawbreakers.

The Democratic Party has NEVER told their constituents the truth about social security, the voluntary nature of participation and how it dooms the working class to live at poverty level in their golden years; see my columns on SS here. Social security can't be saved; reform and so-called privatization are more distractions pumped out by "think tanks." Yes, it must be funded out for those who depend on it, but let this mathematically doomed system die out a natural death.

Last week I wrote about withholding. No Democrat in Congress has told their constituents the truth about this taxing scheme that must be abolished. If Congress as a whole really wanted to help the working class, they would have abolished this scam decades ago. Americans would take home their ENTIRE wages for their labor and just think about how that would help everyone and the economy.

One of the universally accepted political myths is that Democrats take care of domestic matters while Republican stewardship is better for international issues. Of course, this is a big, fat lie when you look at the voting record of members of Congress since FDR. The Democrats try to appear tough on terrorism, but it's all just a smokescreen. Too many of them went right along with the Republican majority in sanctioning the unconstitutional invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq based on a mountain range of bald faced lies. Now they want you to reward them and their party for their failure to uphold the supreme law of the land. Do I believe the Democratic "leadership" in Congress would be reckless if left in charge of national security? Absolutely, but what the Republicans have done in the past five years is so egregious, one runs out of words to describe their destruction of the Bill of Rights. Contrary to the hysterical rhetoric by Shallow Shawn Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, just because millions of good, decent, loyal Americans know the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were born of lies and executed unlawfully, doesn't mean any of us are for appeasement of terrorists or hate America.

Jobs. During the last pretend election, I watched a "middle aged white guy" out in Ohio shout into the microphone of a reporter, "This election isn't about Viet Nam or abortion, it's about jobs." Millions of words have been written about unconstitutional treaties (NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA) and the destruction of good American jobs by what's called outsourcing. These factually challenged nincompoops representing Democrats around the country have tried to make the situation worse with their non solution called raising the minimum wage. All Band-Aids, just like the transportation bill passed last year. This bill signed into law by Bush, promises to spend $286.5 BILLION dollars to create jobs. The problem is, there are no dollars in the U.S. Treasury. Every penny will have to be borrowed and by the time the interest is paid on those borrowed "dollars," the cost will double. Congressional Record, House, Sept. 29, 1941, page 7583, Congressman Wright Patman on the government borrowing to fund operations:

"Mr. Speaker, our government debt at this time is approximately $50 billion. By the time that it's paid, it will aggregate $100 billion ... The amount of 100 percent is due to the interest charges ... I have never yet had anyone who could, through the use of logic and reason, justify the federal government borrowing the use of its own money ... I believe the time will come when people will demand that this be changed. I believe the time will come in this country when they will actually blame you and me and everyone else connected with this Congress for sitting idly by and permitting such an idiotic system to continue.

"I have talked to the secretary of the Treasury and members of the Federal Reserve Board and other people who are supposed to know about the money system of our country. They know this can be done easily and conveniently and will save money ... We have what is known as the Federal Reserve Bank System. That system is not owned by the government. Many people think that it is because it says "Federal Reserve." It belongs to private banks, private corporations. So we have farmed out to the Federal Reserve Banking System that which is owned exclusively, wholly, 100 percent to the private banks -- we have farmed out to them the privilege of issuing the government's money!"

There is a great deal of media and political hoopla going on about the Foley filth and the possibility that the Republicans will lose control of Congress next month. Voters in the districts of those members of Congress who participated in the cover up over Foley's sodomy lifestyle should be evaluated by their constituents. The constituents in the 16th District in Florida (Foley's vacated seat) will decide which of the lesser evils they will swallow. For people in the 3rd District in California to cast their vote for a member of Congress based on the Foley debacle in Florida would be silly and without rational thought process, but the rats who control the Democratic Party are pitching this stupidity for all it's worth.

If Americans who belong to the Democratic Party would just take the time to understand the money trail, how the fruits of their labor is being stolen and handed over to the international banking cartel, they would boot out every Democrat in Congress and replace them with constitutionalists and real statesmen. You can read about the money and tax issue here. If time is an issue for you, that column and others are on my CDs so you can listen and get educated with FACTS while you drive, jog or working around the house. "More money for education" and the other popular, worn out campaign chants are just more distractions to keep all Americans from learning the painful truth: Democrats have been played for suckers, just like GOP faithful who blindly vote for a party instead of constitutional government.

Any Democrat who voted for the misnamed Patriot Act, the National ID or the Military Commissions Act should be booted out of office, period and don't replace them with clones who are no different than the one you want out of office just because they are a Democrat. Example: Dr. Bob Bowman, candidate for Congress, has become very popular with the 911 Truth Movement. While I respect his military service and his courage in speaking out about 911, I wouldn't vote for him. Dr. Bowman is on the same page as Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. Go to his web site. As a potential big spending Democrat, Bowman wants a national health care system and expansion of Medicare until "every American is covered." If might surprise Bowman to know that I don't want Medicare and will never go under that socialist system. Medicare is a massive failure which will continue to run up astronomical, unpayable debt slapped on the back of my daughter, your children and their children. I won't participate because I know it's wrong and really isn't the solution. Bowman has overlooked the fact that the U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress to create a "national health care" plan or interfere in the medical practice within the states.

I was shocked at Dr. Bowman's solution to jobs because he starts off real well, but then says, "If the private sector can't provide jobs for all, the government should take up the slack – not with welfare, but with productive work. FDR did it, and it worked. It also resulted in enormous improvements in the nation's infrastructure." Nothing could be further from the truth. FDR's programs did nothing but further socialism and government dependency for jobs. It is NOT the responsibility of the U.S. Government to provide jobs (except in a communist system) other than those absolutely necessary to support legitimate functions, i.e. staff for federal courts and constitutional agencies. What FDR did was deliberately promote more government dependency using the deliberately created depression as justification.

His diabolical agenda should have been been stopped right then and there by a unified Congress. It wasn't for future votes from a desperate population beaten down by the "Great Depression." Bowman wants the dangerous Kyoto Treaty passed. His position on social security taxes is so convoluted, it tells me he knows nothing about Title 42. The bottom line is that while I respect Bowman's stand on 911, if he were elected, the damage he would do in voting for unconstitutional legislation and pushing more socialism upon the American people is exactly what we're trying to get rid of in Congress.

2007 will be a water shed year for this republic, make no mistake about it. It's imperative that Americans learn how they are being sent to the poor house and how our sovereignty is being sold out to foreign interests. Jefferson said it so well:

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be ... if we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."

© 2006 - - All Rights Reserved

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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, "Why A Bankrupt America" and "Blind Loyalty," which sold close to 2,000,000 copies. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress, and is a highly sought after public speaker. Your complimentary copy of the 32-page report may be obtained from El Dorado Gold. Devvy is a contributing writer for

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Hillary Loses Senate Debate - Big Time


Smiley Flag WaverHillary Clinton was a Richard Nixon look-alike tonight, wearing pancake makeup, featuring hooded eyes that never met the camera, and looking like she felt -- angry at having to waste time justifying her Senate tenure in something as trivial as an election.

Spencer pinned her ears back with his opening statement when he declared: "I am the only person here who really wants to be the Senator from New York . . . she wants to be President."

Hillary Loses Senate Debate . . . Big Time

~ By Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
October 21, 2006

On Friday night, Hillary Clinton finally had to face an unscripted, uncontrolled media event -- a debate with her feisty opponent John Spencer, the Republican candidate for Senator from New York this year.

Spencer pinned her ears back with his opening statement when he declared: "I am the only person here who really wants to be the Senator from New York . . . she wants to be President."

And then he exploited the opening by reminding Hillary "you're not the President yet."

During the debate, Spencer highlighted Hillary's vote against the NSA's wiretapping program and her efforts to kill the Patriot Act.

John Spencer began his challenge to Hillary tonight. The race starts today.

Hillary's huge financial advantage and her lead in the polls was of little use tonight because it was obvious that the empress has no clothes.

While Hillary gave scripted, rehearsed answers, Spencer challenged her failure to deliver on her campaign promises of 200,000 new jobs and mocked her refusal to accept blame for anything, pinning the job loss on Bush and the North Korea bomb on the State Department.

But beyond the words, there were the appearances. Hillary Clinton was a Richard Nixon look-alike tonight, wearing pancake makeup, featuring hooded eyes that never met the camera, and looking like she felt -- angry at having to waste time justifying her Senate tenure in something as trivial as an election.

John Spencer may not beat Hillary, but he sure made her sweat tonight. If she wins by less than 12 points -- the margin Lazio lost by in 2000 -- she will have a lot of explaining to do. And John Spencer, may just be the guy to make it happen.
4152 West Blue Heron Blvd, Ste 1114
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