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Monday, October 16, 2006

Liberals Attack "Albright In North Korea" Spoof


Media Research Center

Cyber Alert

The CU Smiley Guy .. Sorry folks, I just REALLY thought this smiley was cool and had to share it. CU ADMIN

Another scene showed the fake Kim gleefully slam dunking the basketball, as the announcer got to the point: "In a post 9/11 world, making nice to our enemies will not make them nice to us. On the contrary, to them it is a sign of weakness ... The security of the United States is not a game. Can we afford a party that treats it like one?"

To show how pathetic the Democrats have become, Zucker's video showed "Albright" mowing the lawn outside a North Korean nuclear plant, shaking a pair of pom-poms as Kim plays basketball, and singing Kumbayah with a couple of Middle-Eastern looking men while a bunch of guys with suicide bomb vests sneak out of a backdoor.

Liberals Attack Zucker's Spoof, But Here's Albright In North Korea

~ 9:45am EDT, Monday October 16, 2006

FNC's The Big Story and Special Report with Brit Hume on Thursday evening noted how YouTube users had ganged up to flag as "inappropriate" a humorous 90-second video by director David Zucker that mocked the Democrats for their approach to international bad guys like Osama bin Laden and Kim Jong-Il.

Zucker's video began with a shot of an actress playing Secretary of State Madeleine Albright meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il. The announcer gravely intoned: "In the year 2000, in an effort to stop the North Koreans from building nuclear weapons, President Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright gave North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il a basketball signed by Michael Jordan." After "Albright" hands "Kim" a basketball, the two share a champagne toast. An on-screen graphic informs: "We're Not Making This Up."

Another scene showed the fake Kim gleefully slam dunking the basketball, as the announcer got to the point: "In a post 9/11 world, making nice to our enemies will not make them nice to us. On the contrary, to them it is a sign of weakness ... The security of the United States is not a game. Can we afford a party that treats it like one?"

To show how pathetic the Democrats have become, Zucker's video showed "Albright" mowing the lawn outside a North Korean nuclear plant, shaking a pair of pom-poms as Kim plays basketball, and singing Kumbayah with a couple of Middle-Eastern looking men while a bunch of guys with suicide bomb vests sneak out of a backdoor.

[This item, by Rich Noyes, was posted Saturday on the MRC's blog, ]

For the video on YouTube:

As Hume explained on Thursday's "Grapevine" segment of his Special Report:

"Hollywood filmmaker David Zucker has produced a satirical political ad that depicts former Clinton administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright giving a basketball to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and cheering for him in a game, mowing the grass outside a North Korean nuclear facility, painting a cave for Osama bin Laden -- there you, there you see the grass -- and changing a tire for a terrorist. Republicans decided not to use it, but someone posted it on the video-sharing site YouTube."

"But soon YouTube flagged it, meaning that viewers first saw an advisory telling them the video was inappropriate for some users, a warning usually reserved for profane or sexually explicit material. YouTube is catching heat for this and has since removed the advisory. A spokeswoman couldn't say why the video was originally flagged."

FNC's The Big Story also explored the YouTube censorship issue, with host John Gibson interviewing David Zucker.

The cave-painting and lawn-mowing is just a joke, but what about that basketball? In real life, NBC's Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell accompanied Albright on her trip to North Korea. Here's how she ended her report on the October 24, 2000 edition of MSNBC's The News with Brian Williams (remember that?):

"As Albright and Kim say goodbye at a farewell dinner, she tells him to call anytime; he asks her for her e-mail address. And her gift to this reclusive leader? An autographed Michael Jordan basketball. Clearly, say U.S. officials, Kim, an avid basketball fan is a lot less isolated than his people. Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Pyongyang, North Korea."

The final pictures of Mitchell's news story showed Albright, Kim and their aides sharing a champagne toast, everyone smiling broadly.

In the Zucker spoof, "Albright" wore a bright blue suit; in real life, the Secretary wore a black suit with a gold pin. But the smiles and the champagne were a match.

All that was missing were the pom-poms.

CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

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The MRC's blog site, NewsBusters, "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias," provides examples of bias 24/7. With your participation NewsBusters will continue to be THE blog site for tracking and correcting liberal media bias. Come post your comments and get fresh proof of media misdeeds at:  Blog

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Media Censors Democrat Teenage Page Sex Scandal


Media Research Center

Cyber Alert

The CU Smiley Guy .. Sorry folks, I just REALLY thought this smiley was cool and had to share it. CU ADMINGerry Studds had to die for NBC Nightly News to inform viewers of how the former Democratic Congressman had a sexual relationship with 17-year-old male congressional page, misconduct for which the House in 1983 censured him, but did not prompt Democratic House Speaker Tip O'Neill and other leaders to force his resignation -- nor raise calls for O'Neill's resignation. Despite the Democratic hypocrisy given their current calls for Speaker Hastert's resignation and investigations of who knew what and when about Mark Foley, Saturday night -- two weeks into the media-fueled scandal -- was the first time, according to Nexis, any NBC News program mentioned Studds' name.

Studds Had To Die To Get NBC To Recall His Sex With A Teen Page

~ 9:45am EDT, Monday October 16, 2006

Gerry Studds had to die for NBC Nightly News to inform viewers of how the former Democratic Congressman had a sexual relationship with 17-year-old male congressional page, misconduct for which the House in 1983 censured him, but did not prompt Democratic House Speaker Tip O'Neill and other leaders to force his resignation -- nor raise calls for O'Neill's resignation. Despite the Democratic hypocrisy given their current calls for Speaker Hastert's resignation and investigations of who knew what and when about Mark Foley, Saturday night -- two weeks into the media-fueled scandal -- was the first time, according to Nexis, any NBC News program mentioned Studds' name.

Anchor John Seigenthaler, who called Studds "Gary," relayed how "from Massachusetts comes word of the death of former Democratic Congressman Gary Studds, the first openly gay Member of Congress." Seigenthaler then gave the gentlest of descriptions as he avoided the word "sexual" in his one sentence on the matter: "In 1983 the House of Representatives censured Studds for his relationship with a teenage page."

[This item was posted Saturday night on the MRC's blog, ]

ABC does not produce an evening newscast on Saturdays during college football season and college football bumps the CBS Evening News on Saturdays in the Eastern and Central time zones.

As I recall, early in the week of October 2, the ABC and CBS evening newscasts made very brief mentions of the 1983 cases of Democrat Studds, who went on to repeatedly win re-election, and Republican Dan Crane, who also had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old congressional page -- but a girl -- and lost in his next primary. CNN's Jeff Greenfield put together a full story on Studds, Crane and the history of sexual scandals on Capitol Hill.

For how ABC News, which broke the Foley story, treated Studds back in 1983, check the October 6 CyberAlert item, "ABC on Studds: Only 'A Strong Sense of Loyalty' from Voters," online at:

The brief item on the October 14 NBC Nightly News, as announced by anchor John Seigenthaler:

"From Massachusetts comes word of the death of former Democratic Congressman Gary [sic] Studds, the first openly gay Member of Congress. In 1983 the House of Representatives censured Studds for his relationship with a teenage page. Still, he won re-election until his retirement in 1997. Studds collapsed last week and was recovering in Boston at a hospital when doctors say he succumbed to a blood clot. Gary Studds was 69."

The Boston Globe's obituary for Studds, on Sunday's front page, noted: "As the Foley scandal unfolded and he abruptly resigned from the House, Republicans in Washington accused Democrats of hypocrisy, saying they had not spoken out in 1983 when Studds was censured. At the time, he called it 'a serious error,' but refused to resign."

For that Boston Globe obituary:

[Oh, and on the Harry Reid scandal, zilch again Friday on the three broadcast network evening newscasts: CBS gave 15 seconds to the report of an investigation about a 1996 camping trip in which Congressman Jim Kolbe accompanied some former congressional pages and ABC, which allocated nearly two minutes to the guilty plea from former Congressman Bob Ney, spent about 15 seconds on Congressman John Shimkus appearing before the ethics committee. NBC gave about 25 seconds to Ney, but nothing to any Foley-related matter.]

CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

Check Out the MRC's Blog

The MRC's blog site, NewsBusters, "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias," provides examples of bias 24/7. With your participation NewsBusters will continue to be THE blog site for tracking and correcting liberal media bias. Come post your comments and get fresh proof of media misdeeds at:  Blog

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