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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Democrat's Ties To The Communist Chinese Party


Just Facts

Smiley Flag Waver * James Riady has left the country.

* Sonaya & Arief Wiriadinata have left the country.

* John Huang is pleading the Fifth Ammendment.

* Attorney General Janet Reno (Clinton appointee) heads the Justice Department, which is responsible for investigating campaign finance violations. The head of the FBI, (Louis Freeh, Clinton appointee) and the lead investigator (Charles LaBella) have recommended the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate this matter. As of July 1998, Janet Reno refuses to appoint an independent counsel.

Democrat Paty Ties To The Communist Chinese Party

Lippo Group

* A 12 billion dollar Indonesian financial conglomerate. (1)

* Lippo has a business partnership with China Resources Holding Company, which is owned by China's government and staffed with Chinese military intelligence officers. (2)

James Riady

* Indonesian billionaire. (3)

* He and his family run the Lippo Group. (4)

* An acquaintance of Bill Clinton since the 1980's. (3)

* Former permanent green card holder who worked in Arkansas. (3)

Soraya & Arief Wiriadinata

* Daughter and son-in-law of a Lippo partner. (4)

* As of 1996, Arief worked as a gardener in Virginia. (4)

John Huang

* "Long time" friend of Bill Clinton. (4)

* Former director of Lippo Group USA. (4)

* Former Commerce Department employee. (4)

* Former DNC Vice Chairman of Finance. (4)


* 2 U.S.C. 441(e) It is against the law for foreign nationals to directly or indirectly contribute, solicit, or receive campaign contributions. (9)

* 18 U.S.C. 1956 It is against the law to solicit or receive campaign contributions that have been laundered in an effort to conceal the actual source of the money. (9)

* 18 U.S.C. 600 It is against the law for a government official to reward or provide a benefit to someone based on their political activity. (9)

* 18 U.S.C. 595 It is against the law for government employees to use their office in any way to affect federal elections. (9)

* It is legal for foreigners who are permanent residents and for individuals who work for U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations to donate to political campaigns, but the money must be generated inside the U.S. (3)

Photo 1
Presidential Radio Address in the Oval Office - September 10, 1994
Bill Clinton, James Riady (right), John Huang (facing in center) and Mark Middleton (back to camera)

What They Gave:

Lippo Group

* The Lippo Group made consulting payments to Webb Hubbell totaling between $100,000 and $250,000 after Hubbell had promised to cooperate with Whitewater investigators. Hubbell did not cooperate and no recommendation for leniency was made at his sentencing. (5)

James Riady

* Riady has donated over $475,000 to the DNC, Clinton Inaugural Fund, and related Democratic candidates. An August 1992 memo to Bill Clinton says Riady "will be giving $100,000 to this event and has the potential to give much more." (3)

* Bank statements, memos, and checks show that one of Riady's 1992 donations was directly covered by foreign funds and the rest came from a personal bank account that appears to have received foreign money before and after donations were made. (3)

Sonaya & Arief Wiriadinata

* Illegally contributed $450,000 to the DNC. (8)

* Arief is heard on videotape (at a White House coffee) telling Bill Clinton, "James Riady sent me." (4)

John Huang

* Has raised over $3.4 million for the DNC, approximately half of which, has been returned. (4)

* At a 1996 Los Angeles fund raiser, Bill Clinton said, "I'd like to thank my long time friend, John Huang, for being so effective. Frankly, he's been so effective, I was amazed that you were all cheering for him tonight after he's been around in his aggressive efforts to help our cause." (4)

Photo 2
Bill Clinton and Arief Wiriadinata
White House Coffee - December 15, 1995

What They Got:

Lippo Group

* The Lippo Group has investments in the coal mining industry in Indonesia. The leading export of Indonesia is a new form of clean burning, low sulfur coal. This is the only type of coal that meets the U.S. Clean Air Standards Act. (6)

* The largest known deposit in the world of this coal is located in Southern Utah. (6)

* The coal in Utah was slated to be mined when Bill Clinton declared 1.7 million acres in Southern Utah as the "Grand Escalante National Momument." This declaration made the coal mining project infeasible and locked up over a trillion dollars worth of this coal. (6)

* Bill Clinton never discussed his decision with Congress , Utah officials, or the Democratic Congressman who represented this district until the midnight before the declaration was made. (7)

* The head of the Council of Environmental Quality (Kathleen McGinty) stated in an email that the lands were "not really endangered." The associate director (Linda Lance) stated in an email that the lands were "not threatened." (6)

* The surrounding 29 Utah counties have filed suit to overturn Clinton's declaration. (6)

James Riady

* James Riady was an occasional visitor to the White House and had direct access to Bill Clinton. (3)

* Clinton spokes people told reporters that visits with James Riady were "social visits." A videotape of a July 1996 dinner for James Riady shows Bill Clinton discussing the deployment of U.S. aircraft carriers to the Taiwan Strait. (4)

John Huang

* Huang was hired at the Commerce Dept. in 1994. His supervisor (Jeff Garten) testified, "He was totally unqualified." (1)

* When Huang left the Lippo Group for the Commerce Department, he was paid a $780,000 bonus by Lippo. (1)

* Huang received Top Secret Security Clearance before, during, and after his tenure at Commerce. (1)

* According to a memo dated January 31, 1994, the chief of security at Commerce (Paul Buskirk) granted Huang "a waiver of background investigation." (2)

* While at the Commerce Dept. Huang received intelligence briefings from the CIA, had access to top secret reports, visited the White House at least 67 times, and met with Bill Clinton at least 15 times. (2)

* According to telephone records, Huang made at least 261 phone calls to Lippo Group offices during his tenure at Commerce. (2)

* Huang received 37 classified briefings on China and Vietnam from the CIA. According to the testimony of a CIA officer John Dickerson, Huang had access to "extremely sensitive sources." (1)

Obstruction / Cover Up:

* In March of 1997, the House Resources Committee requested documents detailing President Clinton's decision to designate the 1.7 million acres in southern Utah as the Grand Escalante National Monument. The White House supplied over 100 documents and withheld 27. The House Committee subpoenaed the 27 withheld documents and they were produced on October 22, 1997. (7)

* James Riady has left the country. (4)

* Sonaya & Arief Wiriadinata have left the country. (4)

* John Huang is pleading the Fifth Ammendment. (4)

* Attorney General Janet Reno (Clinton appointee) heads the Justice Department, which is responsible for investigating campaign finance violations. The head of the FBI, (Louis Freeh, Clinton appointee) and the lead investigator (Charles LaBella) have recommended the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate this matter. As of July 1998, Janet Reno refuses to appoint an independent counsel. (10)


1) "John Huang: In His Own Words." Fox News, October 24, 1997.

2) Judicial Watch Newsletter, 1998.

3) Associated Press. "Memo shows Riady got ride with Clinton." Washington Times National Weekly Edition, June 15-21, 1998.

4) Editorial: "Those many former FOB's." Washington Times National Weekly Edition, October 28-November 2, 1997.

5) Seper, Jerry. "Hubbell, wife indicted on tax evasion." Washington Times National Weekly Edition, May 4-10, 1998.

6) The Citizens Presidential Impeachment Indictment, Citizens for Honest Government, 1998. Source cited: Washington Times

7) Larson, Ruth. "Panel gets papers on Utah land decision." Washington Times National Weekly Edition, October 28-November 2, 1997.

8) Editorial: "Dealing with the Suharto crisis." Washington Times National Weekly Edition, March 31- April 5, 1998.

9) Levin, Mark R. "Commentary: Want reform? Make politicians obey the law." Washington Times National Weekly Edition, November 8-14, 1997.

10) Seper, Jerry. "Reno refuses to turn over memos to Burton committee." Washington Times National Weekly Edition, August 10-16, 1998.

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