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Monday, January 17, 2005

Bush Forms Advisory Committee On IncomeTax Reform


Patriotic Smiley

Talk of reforming the income tax is nothing new. Back on May 25, 1956, Coleman T. Andrews, who was Commissioner of the IRS under Eisenhower for 33 months before he resigned, gave a lengthy interview to U.S. News & Report. He is quoted as follows:

".... We're confiscating property now ... That's socialism. It's written into the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what's happening to him ... the inevitable end of "steeply" graduated taxes on income and inheritances, and absolutism in any form is slavery ..."


January 14, 2005

Posted 1:00 AM Eastern

On January 7, 2005, President Bush issued an Executive Order (search) to form an advisory committee "to assist in reforming the Federal Internal Revenue Code to benefit all Americans."

Talk of reforming the income tax is nothing new. Back on May 25, 1956, Coleman T. Andrews, who was Commissioner of the IRS under Eisenhower for 33 months before he resigned, gave a lengthy interview to U.S. News & Report. He is quoted as follows:

".... We're confiscating property now ... That's socialism. It's written into the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what's happening to him ... the inevitable end of "steeply" graduated taxes on income and inheritances, and absolutism in any form is slavery ..."

The second major plank of the communist manifesto is a progressive, oppressive income tax.

In that interview, Coleman also said, "If we keep on at the present rate of taxation, we will come eventually to the point where no one will have anything to invest and the "man on horseback" will be upon us. The Government will own everything, and we'll be forced to do the bidding of commissars imbued with the idea that they know better how to spend our money than we, and vested with the authority to do it."

At the time of this interview, the federal government was collecting $52 billion dollars for its operating budget. Over the years, the hunger of the federal government has increased to $1.7 trillion dollars (2004 budget). The creation of cabinets since 1953 has boosted federal spending by close to a trillion dollars per year. The secretary of health, education, and welfare (now known as health and human services) became a Cabinet officer in 1953 when the department was established, as did the secretary of housing and urban development in 1965, the secretary of transportation in 1967, the EPA in 1970, the secretary of energy in 1977, the secretary of education in 1980, (the Federal Department of Education became a cabinet in 1979 via Public Law 96-88), the secretary of veterans affairs in 1989, and the secretary of homeland security in 2003, when those departments were officially established.

Back in 1995, Congressman Christopher Cox wrote a column titled "Why We Must Abolish the Federal Income Tax." He said in part:

"The chief Republican sponsor of the l6th Amendment, Rep. Sereno Payne of New York, supported it only because he believed that the country should have the option of taxing income in time of war. On July 12, 1909, Rep. Samuel McCall of Massachusetts looked into the future and asked a troubling questions about the l6th Amendment, which the House approved later that day: "Why drag every government power to Washington so that a vast, centralized government may devour the states and the liberty of individuals as well? I say this amendment should be more carefully considered than it has yet been considered. As to the general policy of the income tax," he said, "I am utterly opposed to it. I believe, with Gladstone, that it tends to make a nation of liars ... It is, in a word, tax upon the income of honest men and an exemption, to a greater or lesser extent, of the income of the rascals. In the intervening decades, the American people have had ample opportunity to consider the income tax, and they have found it sorely wanting. It has become exactly what McCall feared. It deserves to die." In his election run for the U.S. Senate in 1996 during a debate, former Congressman Fred Dalton Thompson [R-TN] stated that there was a lot of talk about getting rid of the income tax, but in his opinion, "It won't happen this year or probably the next." It didn't. In 1997, highly televised hearings were held by the House, Ways and Means Committee regarding the abuses of the IRS. There was talk of reform, not of abolishing the Federal Reserve's golden egg.

Citizen groups who advocate abolishing the IRS have one thing in common: They are angered by the fact that not a penny of the money collected by the IRS funds a single function of the federal government. One government report explains it this way:

President's Private Sector Survey On Cost Control: A Report to The President (Reagan), January 15, 1984; page 12:

"If the Government took 100% of all taxable income beyond the $75,000 tax bracket not already taxed, it would get only $17 billion, and this confiscation, which would destroy productive enterprise, would only be sufficient to run the Government for several days. 100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their government."

Simply stated, 100% of all income tax money collected goes to the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System for transfer payments and to pay down the national debt created by Congress from funding unconstitutional expenditures. Because there is no money in the U.S. Treasury, all operating funding has to be borrowed from this private banking cabal.

There are numerous groups and organizations lobbying for alternative taxing schemes, i.e. flat tax, fair tax, VAT (Value added tax) or sales tax to replace the current system. Opponents of these taxing schemes maintain that America would only be trading one funding method for the private bankers for another and would accomplish nothing. Prior to 1913, America had no income tax or central bank and the federal government functioned within constitutional restraints. Once the progressive direct income tax was instituted along with the newly created Federal Reserve Banking System at the same time (1913), the government debt exploded because Congress was given a a blank check to borrow so they could spend beyond authorized limits under Art. 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution ...

The Federal Reserve is not federal; it is a credit monopoly controlled by powerful banking families. This private banking cartel issues Class A stock to its members, however, only families like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs and others can own and buy stock in this private cartel. The average American who funds this private monopoly by paying interest on all money borrowed by Congress cannot own stock or any of their banks.

Millions of Americans have been petitioning and demanding that Congress exercise the option clause in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to buy out the assets of the Fed and return to constitutional currency instead of fiat money. Supporters of abolishing the FED stress that there's no reason for Congress to borrow money from this private banking consortium and that it's nothing more than making the middle man rich at the expense of the American people. Congress has refused for eight decades. Perhaps William Greider, author of "Secrets of the Temple," gave some clues in his October 7, 1993 testimony to the House Banking Committee:

"The only players who are left out of this conversation are the American people and, to a large extent their elected representatives. Instead, they are provided a frustrating stream of evasive euphemisms and opaque jargon and platitudinous generalities and, sometimes, even downright deception. As more than one Federal Reserve governor confided to me, it would be very difficult - perhaps impossible - for the FED to have an honest discussion of monetary policy with Congress or the public because the level of ignorance is so profound."

"The lack of accountability is not simply a function of Fed mystique. Among elected politicians, there is also a widespread willingness not to know or understand. In fairness to Congress, the news media encourages this deference by promoting the conventional wisdom about the institution. Any politician who dares to become a critic can count upon damaging attacks from both editorial writers and news reporters ..."

"Frankly, the Fed does not even have to confront intelligent scrutiny from those the people have elected to represent them. That is, the Congress. In my experience, congressional oversight hearings are usually a dispiriting mixture of posturing and bile and trick questions that the Federal Reserve governors find quite easy to fend off."

On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden who was at the time, Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee for more than 10 years, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, Conspiracy, Fraud, Unlawful conversion, and treason. He opened his speech with these words:

"Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over."

"This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it."

"Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lender."

McFadden's charges were not acted upon. Some say because the very same members of Congress who helped engineer the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 owed their political careers to the private banking cartel. McFadden died in 1936.

Under Mr. Bush's new executive order, "The Advisory Panel shall submit to the Secretary of the Treasury a report containing policy options in accordance with section 3 of this order as soon as practicable, but not later than July 31, 2005." It looks like with this time table, the American people will be waiting until mid-summer to find out what recommendations this newly formed panel submits in its report to the president.

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The Unravelling Of America


Patriotic Smiley

The real America has been quietly replaced by a land of dark, occultic powers controlling masses of clueless people who are stumbling blindly behind a faulty leadership (major party) into a predictable morass of serfdom and slavery quite equal or greater than the days of the Babylonian empire or that of ancient Rome. Just how did this come about when most Americans are ready to sock anyone who says they're not free? Because the power structure that's in place, the pressures for conformity, the selective discrimination based on religion (the Christian faith) and the enticements to more depraved forms of "pleasure" have acted as a slow poison to the minds of people who were once able to think more clearly. They had absolutes and standards, and have been told for decades now that there are no absolutes, that "right and wrong" are states of mind.


~ Dorothy A. Seese
January 15, 2005

The real America has been quietly replaced by a land of dark, occultic powers controlling masses of clueless people who are stumbling blindly behind a faulty leadership (major party) into a predictable morass of serfdom and slavery quite equal or greater than the days of the Babylonian empire or that of ancient Rome. Just how did this come about when most Americans are ready to sock anyone who says they're not free? Because the power structure that's in place, the pressures for conformity, the selective discrimination based on religion (the Christian faith) and the enticements to more depraved forms of "pleasure" have acted as a slow poison to the minds of people who were once able to think more clearly. They had absolutes and standards, and have been told for decades now that there are no absolutes, that "right and wrong" are states of mind.

The unraveling of America is clear enough to the world, it simply isn't clear at all to most Americans. To those who see what should be obvious to all, there is a stigma attached -- "Conspiracy Theorist." It isn't much different than people thinking that only lunatics believed man would ever fly in planes, or space ships, or have electric lights. Herd thinking is the very substance on which tyrants rely, because they know their propaganda machines will be accepted by the herds.

In the case of illicit pleasures, the attacks on the home and acceptance of infidelity or promiscuity have created a generation of confused children who will believe anyone who seems to "know" what is going on and give the children a foundation to which they can cling, even if it is occult. Those who hate the Ten Commandments and give way to a gentler, Mother Earth religion find consolation in Babylonian religion where Christianity demands accountability and repentance for sin. Sin? Erase that word from the dictionary, it was used by earlier and "unenlightened" Americans who believed in some Absolute Creator.

In this environment, Americans trudge to work and back daily, if they still have a job, and the retired Americans find themselves (as has been the case for at least fifty years) of being told that there won't be any money for Social Security. Keep distractions flowing, immediate causes of worry, and no one will notice what else is going on. That is precisely what is happening. Dark forces are closing in on the peoples of the once-Christian world, which in many cases failed to even resemble the Christianity of the Bible, and even the supposed Christian Church is going along with all the tolerance.

No one feels anything is worth a fight unless it's overseas somewhere, and even then when those people are told that the war isn't about our freedom or security, they want to fight the messengers rather than investigate the leadership.

Is it difficult to see why America, as it was, has only a remnant of faithful Americans who will challenge the system? We've always had to first fight the twits in our own country before we could get them to throw aside their blind trust in our so-called leadership and see what the issues really are. The average American who watches major media news is ready to kick the spit out of anyone who says he isn't free, yet he will get into his car and strap himself into a harness because it's the law; he will pay illegal taxes because he's afraid of the government; he will drive to a job he hates, knowing he may never get any return on his Social Security taxes; he will even volunteer to join the military to fight for the freedom of this country that hasn't been under attack by foreigners since the end of World War II. Then he will stand outside in the cold to smoke because the city passed an ordinance, with or without any vote, to tell business owners how to run their businesses, and keep his mouth shut when a couple of men walk by smooching each other. But he's free. Say what?

These same people will refuse to vote anything but major political party because they feel their vote will be wasted, yet they don't consider that their present restraints, and those in place as law but not enforced yet, are there to destroy the last vestige of his freedom. It's extremely difficult to get any viable third party in place when the American population is divided between the appearance of two parties that have a single agenda and merely different methods to get there ... and that agenda is to take down America and meld it into the Global Governance village of highest occultism and moral decadence.

This observer is not at all against change but rather all for change, particularly a change to a new regimen of real American spirit and understanding under the absolutist rule of law based on the same premises as our founding documents. Changing the judicary from activism and making law back to interpreting law is progressive change, not regression. When rights become privileges, then citizens are serfs and representatives are oligarchs.

That's precisely where America stands in 2005 and the year has just begun. By the end of it, there is no telling what will occur. The plans are there, but then the plan to invade Iran seems to have been somewhat upset by a major earthquake and tsunami. Did we do that with some of our extreme technology? Or was that a warning that an absolute Creator is displeased with the conduct of the people of this earth? Where might the next disaster strike? Hurricanes struck four major blows at the United States in 2004, making it the worst year on record for hurricane devastation.

There's a message in this but the people aren't reading the signs.

Hours will be spent on reading about some supposed code in a painting by Da Vinci, but little to no time spent in reading the signs falling upon the earth from "natural" causes. People will follow like sheep, and sheep are herded either for the shearing or for the slaughter. Our sheeple will find that both are occuring and will continue to occur.

Whatever "Happy New Year" meant in the past, it doesn't mean the same thing now because the same things that make for some measure of happiness in a world of mortals, of sickness and suffering, of pain and despair, aren't in place. Romanticizing this era cannot absolve it of its destructiveness, and kissing Mother Earth's trees won't stop the onrush of raging tides and rivers.

If there is a "manifest destiny" it is not in conquering the lands of others but in stemming the tides of evil that are dropping over the earth like dark ashes from a great volcanic eruption, one that makes anything thus far seen by man totally miniscule by comparison. In such a condition, ashes have beclouded the eyes and thoughts of those who cannot fathom what is taking place and either deny it or rationalize it. Either way, it is a form of acceptance in the face of denial, a strange sort of paradox of man seeing his own blindness and denying it.

Since we are a product of what has gone before as much as of the influences exerted directly upon us as people in a segment of spacetime, we should be able to make the comparisons with what has gone before, but we as a people collectively don't wish to do that. It is unpleasant.

Except for its part in bringing together a land where deception could grow unnoticed and ripen into the huge harvest of evil fruit being cast about today, America might as well never have been discovered. What appeared to be a bright and shining light to the world around it has shown itself to be absorbed in the darkness enshrouding the world at large, and perhaps leading the evils of the day.

To those who know there is a grand and overriding absolute and immutable plan, rejoice.

To those who love ashes and sackcloth, they will abound.

Choose whom you will serve.

© 2005 Dorothy A. Seese - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, and are not for sale or re-sale.

Dorothy Anne Seese has been working since she was three and a half years old, but not as a journalist.

Her career began as a child actress in the 1939-1942 "Five Little Peppers" film series produced by Columbia that mercifully ended with the nation's involvement in World War II, although she did do small parts in a few films until 1953. By that time, she was a student at U.C.L.A. where she received her liberal arts degree in Political Science.


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Standing Up For The Philadephia Four


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Pennsylvania, like many other states, has hate crime legislation that places offenses committed against members of specific groups into a special category. In 2002, legislators in the Keystone State added an individual's "actual or perceived sexual orientation" and "gender or gender identity" to the list that deserves special attention under the law. According to the Philadelphia District Attorney, a biblical message that homosexuality is sin and that change is possible constitutes a hate crime.


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~ By Pastor Kelly Boggs

January 16, 2005

Last week's column addressed the plight of Christians facing serious criminal charges for their part in a demonstration that took place during an outdoor homosexual pride event in Philadelphia. This week, I feel compelled to revisit the subject.

One reason I am chewing this cabbage twice, as it were, is to insure the details of the situation are conveyed correctly. Another is to stress the serious nature of the prosecution taking place in the City of Brotherly Love.

This past October, eleven members of Repent America were arrested while demonstrating during OutFest, a public celebration of homosexuality held annually in Philadelphia. Charges against six of the protestors have been dropped.

As it stands now, four of the demonstrators have been charged with eight crimes. If convicted, each of what has been dubbed the "Philadelphia Four" could receive a sentence of up to 47 years in prison. A fifth person, a teenage demonstrator, may be dealt with via the juvenile justice system.

Of the crimes the four are charged with, the most troubling are possession of instruments of crime and ethnic intimidation.

Video of the demonstration, captured by documentary filmmakers from San Francisco, reveals that members of Repent America had in their possession bibles, a bullhorn and signs. The most prominent message conveyed via the signs was: "Homosexuality Is Sin, Christ Can Set You Free."

How do bibles, a bullhorn, and signs constitute instruments of crime? In the video footage I viewed, the Bibles were not thrown, the bullhorn was not used to convey threats and the signs were not used as clubs. What rational did the District Attorney use in charging Repent America with possession of instruments of crime?

According to the Internet news site WorldNetDaily, the DA characterized Repent America's preaching and signs as "hateful, disgusting, despicable words," that constituted "fighting words."

Fighting words, which are not protected by the First Amendment, are understood as speech that is abusive and threatening, delivered in person, with the intent of inciting violence toward a specific individual or group.

I am quite certain that those attending OutFest found the message of Repent America offensive. I am equally sure they found the signs irritating and insulting. However, for the DA to describe messages from the Bible - displayed on signs - as fighting words, thus rendering them instruments of crime, is outrageous.

The First Amendment is not a shield from offense, insult and irritation. In fact, the opposite is true. "Free speech is intended to protect the controversial and even outrageous word," observed Secretary of State Colin Powell. To live in America is to risk exposure to words and ideas that offend, insult, and irritate.

While I do not endorse the tactics of Repent America, they - like any other group - have the right to express their beliefs in public. As long as the demonstration is peaceful and absent of violence and the threat of violence, almost any message can be conveyed.

The charge of ethnic intimidation is ominous.

Pennsylvania, like many other states, has hate crime legislation that places offenses committed against members of specific groups into a special catagory. In 2002, legislators in the Keystone State added an individual's "actual or perceived sexual orientation" and "gender or gender identity" to the list that deserves special attention under the law. According to the Philadelphia District Attorney, a biblical message that homosexuality is sin and that change is possible constitutes a hate crime. A simple message delivered in a calm and non-threatening manner, by 11 people, is so pernicious that it constitutes "ethnic intimidation."

If the four members of Repent America are convicted of the aforementioned charges, it will set a precedent with consequences that will be far reaching.

If the Philadelphia DA is successful, what will prevent someone from accusing a pastor of a hate crime for preaching that homosexuality is a sin? It can be argued that a church is quasi public space. After all, everyone is invited and welcome to attend.

The charge that some churches preaching hate already occurs. Soulforce, a homosexual advocacy group, routinely protests the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, accusing member churches of committing "spiritual violence" against homosexuals.

Criminal charges will not even have to be filed. All an enterprising homosexual group will have to do is file a law suit against a church, charging civil rights violations because of a congregation's "message of hate." Most churches are small and would be hard pressed to fund an adequate defense.

It is time for Christians to unite in the defense of truth. While Repent America is being singled out for prosecution today, it could be your pastor and your church tomorrow.

I urge you to contact the District Attorney of Philadelphia and respectfully request that all charges be dropped against the members of Repent America. Contact information for the DA is:

The Honorable Lynne M. Abraham
Library 5th Floor
1421 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1507
Phone: (215) 686-8000
Fax: (215) 563-0047

You can also contact the U.S. Department of Justice to request an investigation into the arrest and prosecution of Repent America. Contact information for the DOJ is:

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Chief Albert Moskowitz
950 Pennsylvania Avenue,
N.W. Criminal Section,
PHB Washington, D.C. 20530
Phone: 202-514-4540

U.S. Department of Justice
Special Litigation Section
Chief Shanetta Y. Cutlar
950 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C. 20530
Phone: 202-514-6255
Toll free: (877) 218-522

© 2005 Kelly Boggs - All Rights Reserved

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A native of Texas, Kelly Boggs now makes his home in the Pacific Northwest. He is the pastor of Valley Baptist Church located at McMinnville, Oregon. He also serves as the Chairman of the Ethics and Religious Commission for the Northwest Baptist Convention. He is a graduate of the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

In addition to his columns, Kelly writes a weekly opinion piece for Baptist Press, the official news agency of the 16-million member Southern Baptist Convention. His columns have appeared in numerous regional and national publications including the Washington Times. Kelly has been a guest on a variety of radio and television programs to discuss the critical issues facing America. He recently launched The Sentinel Institute which is dedicated to shining the light of truth into the fog of popular culture. You can visit the SI web site at E-Mail

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