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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Liberals Assault 7-Year-Old Boy


SmileyFlagWaver-1On May 17, 10 thug-kins grabbed David Parker's 7 year old son, dragged him behind the corner of the school, well out of sight from the school officials, and proceeded to punch him in the groin, stomach, and chest, before he dropped to the ground when they then kicked and stomped on him. Several of the alleged thug-kins were children of the adults who had been protesting Parker, several of them - not even in the same class as Parker's child.

May 17 was a targeted date because that is the anniversary of changing the marriage definitions in the state of Massachusetts to include homosexual unions.

The school district "investigated" and did determine that the attack was pre-meditated. Shockingly they decided no punishment necessary for the 10 thug-kins who were serving as political hit men for the activists in Lexington.

Liberals don't believe in absolutes, morality, or the law - so why should we be surprised?

Libs' New Strategy: Assault 7 Year Old

Liberals in Lexington Massachusetts have taken to beating up the seven year old children of their political opponents.

This disgusting tactic should be ousted on the front pages of every newspaper across the nation, yet you've heard nary a word about it.

Here are the specs:

A number of months ago, as first reported by yours truly, Superintendent Paul Ash decided to have his second grade teachers begin reading "fairy-tale" about two princes getting it on homosexual style to be read in the classrooms under his direction. The book was called "King and King."

In reaction parents from the Estabrook School decided to plead with Ash as to whether this book should be allowed. The all powerful Ash laughed and went on his way.

Somewhat disheartened by this response the parents then made the completely over-the-top request of being notified when such material would be presented in the classroom - especially if it knowingly violated their conscience and their religious convictions.

Growing somewhat angry the all powerful Ash shot the parents a verbal middle finger by retorting, "Estabrook has no legal obligation to notify parents about the book. We couldn't run a public school system if every parent who feels some topic is objectionable to them for moral or religious reasons decides their child should be removed. Lexington is committed to teaching children about the world they live in, and in Massachusetts same-sex marriage is legal."

This profane sort of arrogance didn't sit well with one of the parents by name of David Parker. He went to the school to discuss it directly with Ash. When Parker refused to leave without being heard by the all powerful Ash he was arrested. Remember Parker's only request was to be notified when homosexuality or transgenderism was to be discussed.

Word spread amongst the liberal activist groups around the area. Nasty letters began to be written to local newspapers in an effort to get Parker to back down. When that didn't work a nasty web-site was created to spread the anti-Parker venom via the internet and rally the call to other activist groups nationwide. On the day of Parker's hearing the Ash/Nasty coalition turned out dozens of adults to demonstrate hate-filled nastiness against Parker as he entered and exited the courthouse. All in an attempt to get him to shut up. The nasties even convinced the school district to post anti-Parker newspaper stories on the bulletin boards throughout the schools as another means of intimidation.

None of it worked!

Instead on April 27 Parker and another family from the school district filed a federal civil rights suit against the school district. This made Ash and the other nasties even angrier and some of them decided to get even.

At the courthouse hearings and many of the protests outside Parker's home the nasties had used children to hold up hateful signs and demonstrate alongside their nasty parents. They also recruited young children to participate in angry anti-Parker demonstrations outside the school and to engage in letter writing campaigns.

But on May 17 they crossed the line.

That was the day that 10 of these thug-kins grabbed David Parker's 7 year old son, dragged him behind the corner of the school, well out of sight from the school officials, and proceeded to punch him in the groin, stomach, and chest, before he dropped to the ground when they then kicked and stomped on him. Several of the alleged thug-kins were children of the adults who had been protesting Parker, several of them - not even in the same class as Parker's child. It also needs to be pointed out that May 17 was a targeted date because that is the anniversary of changing the marriage definitions in the state of Massachusetts to include homosexual unions. Emotions among many activists were running very high on this day.

The school district "investigated" and did determine that the attack was pre-meditated. Shockingly they decided no punishment necessary for the 10 thug-kins who were serving as political hit men for the activists in Lexington.

All of this happening because one father wished to reserve the right to teach his own family's faith-based views on sexuality.

I support the lawsuit that David Parker is bringing against Ash, and the Estabrook School District. Standing up is always the right thing to do. His legal fees are growing and if you are interested in making a donation to help - as I have - I would encourage you to. I would also encourage you to drop an e-mail to Paul Ash or place a phone call - either way it is obvious that Ash believes that he is unaccountable to the parents of his district. Here's Paul Ash's e-mail address: His phone number at the school is (781) 861-2550. His home number is (617) 244-9622.

Please Forward This To Your Friends, Family and Associates

You -- Your Kids -- Your Family -- Could Be The Next Target Of These Radical Liberal Extremist Terrorists

It's also very sad that Ash's compadres have sunk to the level of assaulting the seven year old child of David Parker in their attempts to shut him up.

But then again liberals don't believe in absolutes, morality, or the law - so why should we be surprised?

Copyright © 2006

Kevin McCullough's first hardback title "The MuscleHead Revolution" is now available for pre-order. Kevin McCullough is heard daily in New York City, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware on WMCA 570/970 from 2-5pm. He blogs at

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Democrat Landslide In November?


SmileyFlagWaver-1Get ready for Democrats to retake the House and Senate come November. You know you should because the mainstream media has been telling you to for weeks now. You see the signs everywhere, for yourself. Get Ready for November's Democrat Landslide.

The Democrats have a "new direction." Cue The Fifth Dimension singing "Up Up and Away."

Lunchtime Liberty Update

Democrat Landslide In November ?

Get ready for Democrats to retake the House and Senate come November. You know you should because the mainstream media has been telling you to for weeks now. You see the signs everywhere, for yourself. Get Ready for November's Democrat Landslide.

Fancy Nancy Pelosi has dropped her "culture of corruption" campaign. The numbers weren't looking so promising on that. At least she now knows she should have polled her House caucus members on how many expect to be indicted before she began it. Don't be so picky. She's moving in a "new direction." Someone will soon tell her which.

Over on the Senate side, Yucky Chuckie Schumer is at the top of his game, demanding that Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald issue a report on the whys and wherefores of Fitzgerald's decision not to pursue indictment of Karl Rove. But such a report would be illegal, some real lawyers pointed out. Never mind, the Left doesn't know or care about such trivial details. Schumer's on the Judiciary Committee, where he gets to lecture Supreme Court nominees on their responsibilities, and this isn't the first time he's displayed ignorance of the law, knowing the media won't get all testy.

Debating Iraq is a hot issue that will surely get voters focused. Democrats are a bit divided on that. Should we cut and run now or wait until after July 4? Confident that they can reassure voters they can be trusted on issues of national security, Democrats have now successfully targeted their primary constituency -- Leftist blogs. That insures they will be able to amplify their message to countless other Leftist blogs, some of which, we believe, are being run by conservative pranksters vying to see who can fabricate the most seriously demented Leftie screed. (Hey guys, are there any bets on the table for that? We have some thoughts.)

Mekong Johnnie Kerry has begun a 12-step program to liberal recovery, admitting he was wrong on Iraq before he was right, as with Vietnam. He was misled by President Bush after being misled by Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. It's real good for Kerry's renewed presidential aspirations that such world leaders as Vladimir Putin and that Iranian Gandi would never mislead anyone.

Amnesty for illegal aliens has proven to be an electrifying issue for most Democrats (and some liberal Republicans). It's been so good that some political strategists believe it peaked too early -- about 10 years too early. Brilliantly sacrificing votes of current registered voters for potential votes of newly annointed citizens down the road a stretch (maybe) is one of those selfless acts of party building that will not go unnoticed. Equally astute and incisively articulated by Harry Reid and Teddy Kennedy has been the dismissal of amnesty opponents as racists and bigots. Demonizing one's constituents, even when they are a majority and include a majority of naturalized citizens, must be sheer genius at work. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it.

Liberals have cunningly refused to be suckered into any support for an economy that is going well, the tax cuts partially responsible for that, or even the virtually full employment they were so concerned about, when was that, right before the 2004 elections. Likewise, they know the answer to energy shortages is not, cannot be, to produce more domestically, preferring to bash once-heralded soccer moms for insisting on driving their children to practice in vehicles safer than sardine cans. On Social Security, they are taking the long-term view that all those recipients of amnesty will fix the problem, even while sending part of their benefits back home.

They don't have to get into any of that silly domestic stuff because they have a magic bullet issue that is as hot as a firecracker: Global Warming. Watch those glaciers crack. See Al Gore Power Point. Hear climatologist Bill Clinton declare Tropical Storm Alberto (which graciously put out wildfires in Florida and provided Georgia farmers with much-needed rain) a result of Republican policies. Never mind those scientists who disagree (including the leading hurricane experts); this is a Movement.

Get ready for November. The Democrats have a "new direction." Cue The Fifth Dimension singing "Up Up and Away."

June 16, 2006

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Liberalism: The Godless Religion


SmileyFlagWaver-1 The establishment's current obsession with me is the MSM's [Mainstraem Media] last stand. They've deployed the whole lineup of yesterday's power brokers against me, and all they've accomplished is to make my book the No. 1 book in the country. In other words, their efforts to defeat me have just created more people like me. Now who's stuck in an unwinnable quagmire, losers?

Take note, conservatives: No American need ever fear the liberal establishment again. It's all over but the sobbing.

Ah, the civility of the old media! Sadly for the MSM, the Silent Majority is silent no more.

Ann Coulter

~ By
Ann Coulter
Posted Jun 14, 2006

I thought I'd put off that column on ethanol subsidies I'd been planning to write this week and instead address the topic that has so riveted the nation -- the hot new book Godless: The Church of Liberalism.

First of all, I'm getting a little fed up with people trying to make money off my book. Worthless little cable TV shows with teeny-tiny audiences, ridiculous legislators and tabloid newspapers are all trying to make a name for themselves off the profundity of Godless.

Second, let's pause for a moment to observe that two facts are now universally accepted: Liberals are godless and Hillary's husband is a rapist.

My book makes a stark assertion: Liberalism is a godless religion. Hello! Anyone there? I've leapt beyond calling you traitors and am now calling you GODLESS. Apparently, everybody's cool with that. The fact that liberals are godless is not even a controversial point anymore.

In addition to the consensus position that liberals are godless, no one has made a peep about that swipe I took at Hillary, proposing that she have a chat with her husband before accusing others of being "mean" to women in light of Juanita Broaddrick's charge that Bill Clinton raped her. Hillary beat a hasty retreat on her chubby little legs and is now hiding behind Rahm "Don't Touch My Tutu" Emanuel.

Yes, the Democrats' pit bull, Rahm Emanuel, is a former ballerina. And they wonder why the concerted effort of the MSM (as we call the mainstream media) and the Democratic Party can't lay a finger on me. A ballerina. Hey, if the padded, silky shoe fits ...

The establishment's current obsession with me is the MSM's last stand. They've deployed the whole lineup of yesterday's power brokers against me, and all they've accomplished is to make my book the No. 1 book in the country. In other words, their efforts to defeat me have just created more people like me. Now who's stuck in an unwinnable quagmire, losers?

Take note, conservatives: No American need ever fear the liberal establishment again. It's all over but the sobbing.

Back when there were only three TV stations and no Internet, talk radio or Fox News, it used to be so easy for the MSM to destroy reputations -- Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Robert Bork, Dan Quayle, Oliver North, Clarence Thomas, Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Paula Jones and Linda Tripp, to name a few of the MSM's prey.

Liberals aren't having so much fun now that the rabbit has the gun.

Last Wednesday, Brian Williams began the "NBC Nightly News" -- currently watched exclusively by old ladies in nursing homes -- with a report on "civility" in America, which has apparently been horribly despoiled by my book. Williams complained that the "explosion in our media, our deafening national noise level and our changing mores have made this a much different era in America than the one our parents grew up in."

Oh, the civility of having only three TV stations back in our parents' day! It was even more civil in the Soviet Union where there was only one TV station.

In precisely five minutes on the Media Research Center's Web site, I turned up some random examples of the sort of civility we got from the MSM before the alternative media allowed conservatives to be heard, too. These are all-new quotes I've never even seen before. There are about a hundred more in my book Slander.
  • On Ronald Reagan: "I predict historians are going to be totally baffled by how the American people fell in love with this man (Ronald Reagan) and followed him the way we did." -- CBS News White House reporter Lesley Stahl on NBC's "Later With Bob Costas," Jan. 11, 1989

  • On Pat Buchanan: "On the road I travel to the mall in Wheaton, Md., two white men severely beat two black women Tuesday. One was doused with lighter fluid, and her attacker tried to set her afire. Both men cursed the women for being black. I couldn't help but shudder: That could have been me. This heinous act happened only hours after Pat Buchanan voters gave him 30 percent of the vote in the Maryland GOP presidential primary." -- USA Today columnist and former "Inquiry" page editor Barbara Reynolds, March 6, 1992

  • On Lee Atwater: "(Lee Atwater) was a scoundrel, one of the darkest figures to dominate our recent politics, a man with a comprehensively cynical view of his fellow creatures. ... He made it in the most improbable way, learning to dress at Brooks Brothers and keep his funky white trash wickedness too. ... In running campaigns that played on racial divisions, he was something worse than a bigot; he was a man who pretended to be a bigot in hope that it would sell." -- Washington Post op-ed by reporter Marjorie Williams, March 30, 1991

  • On Newt Gingrich: "So how do you put an end to what Jim Wright called 'mindless cannibalism'? Do you put a muzzle on Newt Gingrich?" -- "CBS This Morning" co-host Kathleen Sullivan, June 1, 1989
Ah, the civility of the old media! Sadly for the MSM, the Silent Majority is silent no more.

Copyright © 2006 HUMAN EVENTS. All Rights Reserved.

Ann Coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS and author of "Crimes and Misdemeanors," "Slander" and most recently of "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)."

Related Article:

In Defense Of Ann Coulter

~By Lisa De Pasquale

Following my interview with HUMAN EVENTS Legal Affairs Correspondent Ann Coulter and review of her new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, I’ve received a slew of e-mails from fans and foes.

Many of those writing the negative e-mails are outraged that a conservative would ask a conservative author questions from a conservative’s perspective for a conservative newspaper. One person writes, “You are so unfair and unbalanced!” Well, there goes my shot as a Fox News anchor. But lest you think he might have any intellectual points to make, the rest of the e-mail refers to me and Coulter in a sexual manner. In fact, several e-mails included this kind of rhetoric. I would quote them, but to make it decent it would look like Morse code.

Another person writes, “So how does it feel to interview Hitler reborn first-hand? I think I would need about 20 showers just to feel normal again after being in the presence of such a pathetic excuse for a human being.” I was actually surprised that it took more than 12 hours since the interview was published to get the first Hitler comparison. The comparison of [insert Republican’s name] to Hitler is as hack as “I just flew in and, boy, are my arms tired.”

Then came the e-mails from those claiming to be conservatives or Republicans who had an instant conversion because “this time she’s gone too far.” As Coulter recently pointed out on Your World with Neil Cavuto, these phonies say that every time she writes a new book. One guy from San Diego stated in an e-mail to me that he “supported Bush after 9/11.” Yeah, so did Rosie O’Donnell. He also wrote that he is a “gun-owning, meat-loving, fishing, entrepreneur” and a “moderate.” Inexplicably, his proof is that he listens to Rush Limbaugh and Bill Bennett and would vote for Rudy Guiliani (moderate Republican), Chuck Hagel (Republican) and Mark Warner (Democrat). One must have a dart and a map of the U.S. to come up with this list. He writes, “I am surprised that you would softball-interview someone who is as blatantly hateful as Ann Coulter. … She gets paid to promote anger, hatred, and division. … The kind of bile Ms. Coulter is spewing is decidely [sic] very mid-90's. Using loaded words against a political opponent (you know, ‘Godless, traitorous,’ etc.) reads like a page from Gingrich's 1990 GOPAC memo. Very tiresome.”

Hmm, it seems like anyone who is holding on to a grudge against Newt Gingrich from 1990 might have been drinking the Kool-Aid for a little longer than he’s letting on. Unfortunately, I can’t recall the existence of this phantom memo because I was only 12-years-old at the time.

Another curious claim in this e-mail, as well as several others, is that Coulter makes outrageous statements just to sell books. Then these same people say she doesn’t represent most conservatives. Yet, Godless still becomes No. 1 on and will undoubtedly be a New York Times bestseller. And by the way, those mystery “mass purchases” by Richard Scaife (I received those e-mails, too) don’t count toward the bestseller lists.

It’s a typical ploy by liberals to claim to be Bush voters or moderates or Republicans in order to project a false sense of credibility. It’s like when they use an anti-war veteran or group of pro-Kerry widows from New Jersey to advance their unpopular agenda. Liberals call the War on Terrorism President Bush’s personal vendetta on behalf of his father. How is this any different from making the case against the President based on someone else’s personal tragedy or vendetta? Not to mention giving these people carte blanche to make outrageous claims and condemn anyone for questioning their motives. Someone should really write a book about this phenomenon!

Another “lifelong Republican” says that I have gone too far. He writes, “I have always been a fan of your previous writings. Your latest ‘interview’ with Ann Coulter has left me shocked and dismayed. … You have lost all integrity in my mind. Your inability to question her regarding this outlandish rubbish is disgraceful.” I guess he missed my review of Coulter’s last book, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must).

The e-mails I enjoyed the most were those that said I was worse than Coulter herself. One guy wrote, “As a sycophantic piece of s***, your review of Coulter's latest piece of s*** is exceeded only by it.” Another writes, “[Y]ou revealed yourself to be just as vicious as Ann Coulter -- and that's saying a lot.” I plan on adding this to my résumé.

So, for those of you keeping score, conservatives cannot write about people they agree or disagree with because it makes them “hucksters” or Hitler. Instead, we should be writing about issues we don’t care about and people with no political relevance. Fortunately, HUMAN EVENTS has no need for articles on Brad and Angelina and their new baby, so keep those emails coming!

Miss De Pasquale is freelance writer in Herndon, Va. Write her at lisajanine1111 (at)

Copyright © 2006 HUMAN EVENTS. All Rights Reserved.

~By Lisa De Pasquale

In an exclusive interview with HUMAN EVENTS, Ann Coulter explains what motivated her to write her just-released book Godless: The Church of Liberalism (Crown Forum, 2006), how faith played a role, what “virtues” the Church of Liberalism promotes and much more.

(For a review of Coulter’s new book, click here.)

De Pasquale: What led you to write Godless: The Church of Liberalism?

Coulter: It’s the third of a trilogy. Slander was about liberals’ methods, Treason was about the political consequences of liberalism, and Godless is about the underlying mental disease that creates liberalism.

De Pasquale: How did your own faith contribute to your book’s premise?

Coulter: Although my Christianity is somewhat more explicit in this book, Christianity fuels everything I write. Being a Christian means that I am called upon to do battle against lies, injustice, cruelty, hypocrisy—you know, all the virtues in the church of liberalism. As St. Paul said, if Christ is not risen from the dead, then eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

De Pasquale: How do you think Godless will be received by conservatives? How about liberals?

Coulter: Hmmmm, well, I think conservatives will say, “Oh I see. They’re Godless. Now I understand liberals.” Liberals will say, “Who-less”?

De Pasquale: In Godless, you mention that a far greater number of children are sexually abused each year by educators than by priests. You also write about the sex-education programs in public schools. What suggestions do you have for parents on dealing with these issues?

Coulter: As an emergency measure: home school. As a long term solution: encourage your home-schooled children to become public school teachers and destroy the temple of liberalism.

De Pasquale: A large portion of the book addresses the left’s contempt for science. Why do you think the left is uneasy with the scientific facts you discuss regarding AIDS, gender differences, IQ and embryonic and adult stem-cell research?

Coulter: Because science is not susceptible to their crying and hysterics.

De Pasquale: Why do you think the left uses mouthpieces like Cindy Sheehan and Max Cleland to advance their message?

Coulter: So they can engage in crying and hysterics and hope this will prevent us from responding.

De Pasquale: George Clooney said that it was difficult making his movie Good Night and Good Luck because so many people had read your book, Treason, which exposed the truth about Soviet agents in the U.S. government and exonerated Sen. Joseph McCarthy. What impact do you hope Godless will have on the political scene and people’s misconceptions about evolution?

Coulter: I would like evolution to join the roster of other discredited religions, like the Cargo Cult of the South Pacific. Practitioners of Cargo Cult believed that manufactured products were created by ancestral spirits, and if they imitated what they had seen the white man do, they could cause airplanes to appear out of the sky, bringing valuable cargo like radios and TVs. So they constructed “airport towers” out of bamboo and “headphones” out of coconuts and waited for the airplanes to come with the cargo. It may sound silly, but in defense of the Cargo Cult, they did not wait as long for evidence supporting their theory as the Darwinists have waited for evidence supporting theirs.

De Pasquale: You frequently write about liberals’ using the courts to advance their agenda. Should conservatives start doing the same by electing and embracing conservative activist judges?

Coulter: Only long enough to get liberals to admit that judicial activism isn’t so much fun when the rabbit has the gun.

De Pasquale: As a popular speaker on college campuses, you’ve become very familiar with the “apple-polishers” and their liberal professors. What can conservative students do to combat liberalism on their campuses?

Coulter: I recommend bringing a tape-recorder to class, taking lots of notes and then writing a bestselling book like my friend Ben Shapiro’s Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth. If every right-wing student reading this wrote a book about his college experience, they would all be bestsellers because normal Americans will not believe what is happening on college campuses across America.

De Pasquale: What do you enjoy most about your life as a best-selling author and columnist? What do you enjoy the least?

Coulter: Enjoy most: the prospect of having an impact on the public debate. Irritating liberals is a close second. Enjoy least: the travel.

De Pasquale: In your column following the terrorist attacks on September 11, you revealed that when you wrote your columns, you pictured Ted and Barbara Olson reading them at their breakfast table. How does having such a specific audience help you while writing?

Coulter: When I was writing High Crimes and Misdemeanors, the magnificent writer Joe Sobran gave me the greatest advice a writer could ever get. I called him in desperation, because I was pulling my hair out trying to write the Whitewater chapter. I explained to him that the reason Whitewater was so hard to write about was that the financial transactions comprising Whitewater were incredibly complicated—and they were complicated for a reason: to hide what was really going on. After I whined for about five minutes about how impossible this made it to explain the scandal, Joe told me to write down exactly what I had just said to him—in fact, to write the entire chapter like I was writing an e-mail to him. I did, and the Economist (written by the only economists on earth who liked Hillary’s health care plan) described it as one of the clearest explanations of the Whitewater scandal out there.

De Pasquale: So now I write everything like I’m e-mailing one of my friends—often a friend I’ve been arguing with about whatever I am writing. I think the writing is better, and it’s a lot more fun.

Coulter: Also, I noticed that when I e-mailed my friends asking them to explain some point of law to me so I could put it in my book, I’d get a lot of convoluted jargon that read like an 18th-Century legal brief. But when I sent them an e-mail casually asking, “Hey, what do you think of William Ginsberg [Monica Lewinsky’s attorney]?” I would get back some of the most beautiful prose ever written. So I recommend to all writers that they write like they’re sending an e-mail to a friend—or enemy, for some really punchy writing.

De Pasquale: What books do you look forward to reading this summer?

Coulter: I think I’ll just keep reading Godless over and over again. I love it so!

Miss De Pasquale is freelance writer in Herndon, Va. Write her at lisajanine1111 (at)

Copyright © 2006 HUMAN EVENTS. All Rights Reserved.

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