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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Democrat Landslide In November?


SmileyFlagWaver-1Get ready for Democrats to retake the House and Senate come November. You know you should because the mainstream media has been telling you to for weeks now. You see the signs everywhere, for yourself. Get Ready for November's Democrat Landslide.

The Democrats have a "new direction." Cue The Fifth Dimension singing "Up Up and Away."

Lunchtime Liberty Update

Democrat Landslide In November ?

Get ready for Democrats to retake the House and Senate come November. You know you should because the mainstream media has been telling you to for weeks now. You see the signs everywhere, for yourself. Get Ready for November's Democrat Landslide.

Fancy Nancy Pelosi has dropped her "culture of corruption" campaign. The numbers weren't looking so promising on that. At least she now knows she should have polled her House caucus members on how many expect to be indicted before she began it. Don't be so picky. She's moving in a "new direction." Someone will soon tell her which.

Over on the Senate side, Yucky Chuckie Schumer is at the top of his game, demanding that Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald issue a report on the whys and wherefores of Fitzgerald's decision not to pursue indictment of Karl Rove. But such a report would be illegal, some real lawyers pointed out. Never mind, the Left doesn't know or care about such trivial details. Schumer's on the Judiciary Committee, where he gets to lecture Supreme Court nominees on their responsibilities, and this isn't the first time he's displayed ignorance of the law, knowing the media won't get all testy.

Debating Iraq is a hot issue that will surely get voters focused. Democrats are a bit divided on that. Should we cut and run now or wait until after July 4? Confident that they can reassure voters they can be trusted on issues of national security, Democrats have now successfully targeted their primary constituency -- Leftist blogs. That insures they will be able to amplify their message to countless other Leftist blogs, some of which, we believe, are being run by conservative pranksters vying to see who can fabricate the most seriously demented Leftie screed. (Hey guys, are there any bets on the table for that? We have some thoughts.)

Mekong Johnnie Kerry has begun a 12-step program to liberal recovery, admitting he was wrong on Iraq before he was right, as with Vietnam. He was misled by President Bush after being misled by Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. It's real good for Kerry's renewed presidential aspirations that such world leaders as Vladimir Putin and that Iranian Gandi would never mislead anyone.

Amnesty for illegal aliens has proven to be an electrifying issue for most Democrats (and some liberal Republicans). It's been so good that some political strategists believe it peaked too early -- about 10 years too early. Brilliantly sacrificing votes of current registered voters for potential votes of newly annointed citizens down the road a stretch (maybe) is one of those selfless acts of party building that will not go unnoticed. Equally astute and incisively articulated by Harry Reid and Teddy Kennedy has been the dismissal of amnesty opponents as racists and bigots. Demonizing one's constituents, even when they are a majority and include a majority of naturalized citizens, must be sheer genius at work. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it.

Liberals have cunningly refused to be suckered into any support for an economy that is going well, the tax cuts partially responsible for that, or even the virtually full employment they were so concerned about, when was that, right before the 2004 elections. Likewise, they know the answer to energy shortages is not, cannot be, to produce more domestically, preferring to bash once-heralded soccer moms for insisting on driving their children to practice in vehicles safer than sardine cans. On Social Security, they are taking the long-term view that all those recipients of amnesty will fix the problem, even while sending part of their benefits back home.

They don't have to get into any of that silly domestic stuff because they have a magic bullet issue that is as hot as a firecracker: Global Warming. Watch those glaciers crack. See Al Gore Power Point. Hear climatologist Bill Clinton declare Tropical Storm Alberto (which graciously put out wildfires in Florida and provided Georgia farmers with much-needed rain) a result of Republican policies. Never mind those scientists who disagree (including the leading hurricane experts); this is a Movement.

Get ready for November. The Democrats have a "new direction." Cue The Fifth Dimension singing "Up Up and Away."

June 16, 2006

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