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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Commentary: We Hung The Wrong Guy!


Smiley Flag Waver After sentencing, I would make George W. Bush's hanging required watching by every man, woman and child in America, carried live by each and every broadcast, cable and satellite network. Nor would Bush be offered a hood, either, as was Saddam. Everybody should see the look of surprise on Bush's face as suddenly he falls, then his surprise at the pain, just microseconds before he loses consciousness. I would want everybody to witness him swaying back and forth at the end of that rope, feet twitching uncontrollably.

I want to pull the lever, by the way, but in all fairness perhaps that honor should go to the lucky winner of a national lottery.

The wages of genocide should be a lesson imprinted upon the retinas of every person alive. And nobody deserves them more today than does George W. Bush, despite the fact that he is but a dummied-up figurehead, just following orders. Not to say that Bush wouldn't have plenty of company, of course, were I in charge.

Nickel Ranttm:

We Hung the Wrong Guy!

~ By Edgar J. Steele

"People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history."
--- George W. Bush, Governor of Texas

My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant.

"Jesus is coming," goes the old joke, "and, boy, is he pissed!" I've no doubt. If Jesus really is coming, I can't imagine His being anything but truly and righteously angry about what has been going on lately.

Not that humankind ever has comported itself with anything resembling the behavior of any but the most whacked-out among us. What the religious fundamentalist, dispensationalist, Zionist nut jobs who have hijacked America already have done, and promise to continue doing, all in the name of God, truly boggles my mind. Your mileage may differ, of course.

Here's the real irony: These peculiarly Judeo-Christian (their term, not mine) religious zealots somehow think they are hastening the Second Coming and, thereby, Judgment Day. That is the last thing they should want.

I've Got Your Judgment Right Here

Regardless of whether one chooses to read from Daniel and The Revelation of St. John in the Old Testament (the first five books of which are embraced by Jews as their Torah) or any portion of the New Testament, clearly it is the American Neocon warmongers who are destined to be cast into the "lake of fire." To think otherwise is as illogical as thinking that God speaks directly to you and tells you to kill Arabs.

That brings us to the single most whacked-out human being alive today: George W. Bush, alleged President of the United States of America. (In reality, America's last two elected Presidents have been Al Gore and Bob Kerry, but that is another story altogether.) Bush is a self-confessed alcoholic, alleged by many to be both a drug abuser and a homosexual pervert. Incidentally, it seems to me that all too many of America's fundamentalist whack jobs are much too fond of little boys.

Truth is Stranger than Fiction

George W. Bush quite literally tells other world leaders that God speaks to him. God. A voice in George Bush's head. Honest. Look, I couldn't just make something like this up.

Well, I suppose I could, but I certainly don't have to do so, in the wild and wooly case of George W. Bush. That God speaks personally to George W. Bush is a proposition simply too far-fetched, too ludicrous, for me to expect anybody to believe, had it even occurred to me independently. And I have a very active imagination, folks. Truly, truth is stranger than fiction.

George W. Bush really and honestly reports that he hears voices telling him to kill and chooses to believe that it is God providing America's marching orders. I wonder if that will provide a sufficient insanity defense when, finally, he is tried for his uncountable crimes against humanity. Not if, by some quirk of fate, somehow I am sitting in judgment, rest assured.

If I have anything to say about it, we won't be seeing just furtive little photos and videos of a noose being dropped over Mr. Bush's head circulating around the Internet, as now is taking place regarding Saddam Hussein's very recent execution by hanging.

At Last: Real Family TV Programming

After sentencing, I would make George W. Bush's hanging required watching by every man, woman and child in America, carried live by each and every broadcast, cable and satellite network. Nor would Bush be offered a hood, either, as was Saddam. Everybody should see the look of surprise on Bush's face as suddenly he falls, then his surprise at the pain, just microseconds before he loses consciousness. I would want everybody to witness him swaying back and forth at the end of that rope, feet twitching uncontrollably.

I want to pull the lever, by the way, but in all fairness perhaps that honor should go to the lucky winner of a national lottery.

The wages of genocide should be a lesson imprinted upon the retinas of every person alive. And nobody deserves them more today than does George W. Bush, despite the fact that he is but a dummied-up figurehead, just following orders. Not to say that Bush wouldn't have plenty of company, of course, were I in charge. I'd have Tony Blair up next, followed by a long line of Western leaders who helped, condoned or merely stood aside while Bush helped Israel fulfill its bloody ambitions.

Dick Cheney will get a special prime-time slot, too, of course, even if he has slipped into a coma by then as a result of one of his many heart attacks. We'll keep him alive, vegetative, just to hoist him up out of that hospital bed by his neck on a gallows built with special handicapped access.

I think I might relegate all the members of Congress who sold us out to the all-night firing squads, along with all the judges who had a chance to say "Stop," but chose to go along, instead.

Alberto Gonzales will be glad to hear that I would resist resorting to torture in his case, simply to extract names that I can pluck from the headlines of today.

Why? Does Anybody Really Care?

We invaded Iraq on the pretext that Saddam somehow helped Al Qaeda bring down New York's World Trade Center towers, though it now has been proven that Saddam had nothing to do with aiding or training Al Qaeda. Never mind that neither Saddam nor Al Qaeda had anything to do with 9/11, either.

Then, somehow, the explanation for Bush's pre-emptive war in Iraq was to destroy Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction." Saddam said he had none left over from his previous war with Iran and, funny thing, we proved conclusively that he was telling the truth. Of course, we knew that Saddam once had used such weapons because America provided them to him to aid in the killing of Iranian soldiers. He used them up, though, in his ten-year war with Iran, killing millions of Arabs and Iranians and bankrupting his own country in the process.

Then, allegedly, the reason for America's second military presence in modern Iraq was to avenge Saddam's killing of his own subjects. Turns out, however, that the deaths for which Saddam was tried and hung were of those whom he caught plotting his own assassination. Never mind that Bush executes his own citizens for much less and has forced through both the Patriot and the Military Commissions Acts to justify those executions. Never mind that Bush has killed far more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever could have executed, even had he wanted to do so.

The most recent excuse given by Bush for our being in Iraq rests upon our having invested so much there already in the name of America's Orwellian "War on Terror." In other words, since your son died in that Arab hellhole, now my son must give his life there, as well.

Notice, however, that none of the children of America's politicians or true (Illuminati) leaders need make the ultimate sacrifice for George Bush. Just yours and mine.

About Character and Honor

Notice, also, that virtually all the guilty officials and wielders of power are my generation's proven draft dodgers and/or deserters, just like George Bush and every single one of his henchmen, save only the execrably incompetent Donald Rumsfeld.

I remember those years back in the mid-Sixties. While some went to Canada or phonied up deferments or pulled strings to get National Guard billets, most considered such maneuvers to be dishonorable. Most, just as did I, stepped up and did our duty. Not these guys, though. They had no honor then and they have no honor today.

Mind you, today's America is different. Today, I look with favor upon those who refuse to be a part of American military aggression abroad. Today, those who refuse to return to Iraq are the ones who demonstrate the finest aspects of genuine character. In time, they will be accorded the honor they deserve today.

One's honor is the purest reflection of one's character. Character is the most important ingredient in one's worthiness, both to oneself and to others. Character is at the very core of the thesis of my book, Defensive Racism. Character is everything. Everything worth mentioning, that is. Skin color is meaningless. IQ has little relevance. Behavior devolves from character. Without good character, one lapses into criminal behavior. Without good character, one has no honor, no scruples and no ethical limitations.

We Hung the Wrong Guy

Meanwhile, Saddam's conviction and sentencing hurriedly was reached, coincidentally, of course, just prior to America's recent mid-term elections. Yet another sacrifice to Congressional ambition.

Yes, I know that a great many Americans refuse to believe any of what I say today, though every single thing has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Far too many other Americans refuse, even, to listen.

But, make no mistake, the rest of the world has noticed. And they are speaking out. They say the same thing that I have heard from no other Americans, yet to which I now give voice: We hung the wrong guy!

Saddam may have been guilty of crimes. He may even have deserved execution. But not by America. Not for the charges leveled against him. Not with the haste and sloppiness afforded his "trial." Not by any but his own people, most of whom truly are enraged by this latest insult and indignity inflicted upon their American/Israeli-induced, altogether too-desperate existence.

We hung the wrong guy, I tell you.

The Right Guy

We actually have a proven war criminal within our grasp. He has engineered the killing of millions. He oppresses his countrymen. He has bankrupted his country by waging a war that he alone declared illegally and on an intentionally-false pretext - a war that now has lasted longer than America's involvement in World War II. He has executed dissenting countrymen and jailed a great many others who have dared to criticize him and the other lickspittle lackeys of would-be world empire builders. This man's policies present a clear and present danger to the fragile peace that now exists throughout most of the world. He refuses to change. He refuses to back down. He must be stopped.

He is, of course, George W. Bush.

We hung the wrong guy.

George W. Bush should have stood on that makeshift gallows the other night, hands tied behind his back. It was George W. Bush's feet that should have been twitching when the taut rope finally stopped swaying. Pictures of George Bush glaring uncontritely as the noose was dropped over his head now should be circulating around the Internet.

We hung the wrong guy.

Bush Sets a Precedent

But one good thing has come from Saddam Hussein's pursuit, capture, show trial and hasty execution: A precedent now has been set.

Used to be, national leaders were off limits. One did not target them. One did not assassinate them. One did not capture them. One certainly did not execute them, not even following a military defeat. Especially not following a military defeat. Now, George Bush has changed all that.

So, I join my voice to those being raised internationally: We hung the wrong guy!

Bush led the way and has showed us how. He did it with Saddam Hussein. Clearly, none in power in America today have the courage to put George W. Bush on trial.

In his day, Andrew Jackson simply would have shot Bush himself on the White House lawn, in the manner that a largely-discredited story recounts of President Jackson's once having killed a man for treason. While I hope that Jackson's genes remanifest themselves in a future generation of Americans, those in charge of America today clearly lack Jackson's sense of justice, responsibility, character and honor.

It is up to you now, world. Bush showed the way. Bush legitimized interference in the internal affairs of other nations. Bush legitimized pre-emptive military action. Bush prosecuted a war against a defenseless people. Bush went after a national leader. As a result, we hung the wrong guy.

Surely, other nations can find it within themselves to muster up whatever it now takes to do what must be done, what we Americans cannot and will not do: Pursue, arrest, try and convict the proven war criminals and mass murderers among ourselves today. Now. Before the nuclear exchanges begin. Before millions, if not billions, die simply because one fool cannot admit he was wrong.

I may be only one American citizen, but I hereby grant foreign would-be interveners my permission to emulate George W. Bush, provided you do it for the right reasons, conduct a fair trial and, most importantly, provided you hang the right guy!

My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please visit my web site,, for other messages just like this one.


Copyright ©2006, Edgar J. Steele

Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate both the written and audio version of this Nickel Rant among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. The audio version of this Nickel Rant may also be freely used in its entirety by for-profit broadcasting entities, but is not to be included in any recorded format which then is sold to others. The audio version may be rebroadcast, either live or archived on the Internet, either copied or linked directly to my web site, profit and nonprofit alike, so long as it is used in its entirety. In fact, I encourage any and all radio hosts to use it freely. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.

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Crisis In America - What Can Patriots Do?


Chuck Baldwin Live

Smiley Flag Waver If everyone reading this column would sincerely and seriously be willing to change their affiliations and associations, would endeavor to personally educate and inform themselves with the truth, would endeavor to not knowingly support organizations and individuals that contribute to the compromise of our national sovereignty and independence, and would be willing to fervently and faithfully pray for America, there is no telling what may result.

What Patriotic Christians Can Do For America

~ By Chuck Baldwin
December 19, 2006

Among the hundreds of email letters I receive, scores of them ask the same question: "I see the problem, but what can I do?" Today's column is an attempt to answer these people.

  • First, let's acknowledge that our Pilgrim forebears answered this question by leaving their homeland and risking their lives on a dangerous voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to a new world. There is no doubt in my mind that conditions in America today rival those of the ancient Pilgrims in Europe. (They are probably worse!) Obviously, there are no new worlds to settle, but I do know of people who are relocating to other countries for reasons very similar to those of our Pilgrim fathers.

However, what can those of us do who plan to stay and "tough it out" in America? Are we totally without recourse? Is there nothing we can do to truly help turn the ship of state around?

Let me begin by stating some things that will have very little impact on much of anything.

  • Continuing to vote for the majority of establishment candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties will accomplish nothing. Voters have been changing the composition of their various and sundry elected offices for decades, and nothing has changed. The country continues to plummet down the proverbial slippery slope.
  • Attending the average church in the United States will produce little salt to protect against the forces of evil which currently seem to dominate our country. Regardless of denomination, most churches today refuse to address the crucial, salient issues that would educate and inspire people to make a difference.
  • Neither will listening to the major news media, including Fox News, prepare one to be a difference-maker. With very few exceptions, the major TV newscasts and radio talk shows are regurgitating the same redundant propaganda.

So, for those of you who really want to do something that will prepare you to make a difference in your country, I offer the following suggestions.

  • If you are a Christian, do your best to find a church where the pastor knows what is going on and is not afraid to teach and preach politically incorrect Bible truth. How far one might have to drive should not be a factor. Neither should denomination be a factor. Obviously, one cannot compromise fundamental convictions, but I would far rather worship in a church outside my denominational preference where the pastor was a bold and courageous champion of truth than stay in the denomination of my preference and sit under a milquetoast preacher. If one is not a Christian, he or she should become one and find this kind of church.

Our country's problems are, first and foremost, spiritual in nature. Therefore, solutions will ultimately never be discovered inside the halls of Congress; rather, they will be found in the hearts and lives of God's people. "Judgment must begin at the house of God." If enough people would leave these panty-waist, compromising, entertainment-evangelism, prosperity-theology, "purpose-driven" social clubs and start supporting true tell-it-like-it-is men of God, we could see a genuine revival in America.

  • Secondly, begin educating yourself. Stop relying on the major news outlets to bring you the news. I heartily recommend the New American Magazine. In my mind, it is the best news magazine out there. I also find Human Events newspaper very informative, and Middle American News is another good one. There are several smaller, independent papers out there, too. For example, in the Greenville, South Carolina area, the Times Examiner is an excellent resource.

Internet news sites such as News With Views and World Net Daily are also valuable sources of information. Read everything Jerome Corsi writes. Get on Congressman Ron Paul's mailing list. Everyone should subscribe to Howard Phillips' "Issues and Strategy Bulletin." It is a fantastic resource! For educational matters, read John Stormer. John Eidsmoe is as good as they get regarding constitutional issues. For a thorough and in-depth study of economics, read Don McAlvany.

Find non-establishment or independent radio talk shows. People such as George Putnam in California, Barbara Jean Whiteley in Utah, Stan Monteith in Colorado, and Adam McManus and Alex Jones in Texas come to mind. Alex is tough to take, sometimes, and I'm not sure I subscribe to everything he says, but at least he is in the fight and not afraid to take on the hard issues.

Joel Skousen's web site is a treasure-trove of useful information. Christians will, no doubt, enjoy David Alan Black's web site. Covenant News might be the best web site regarding pro-life issues. Alan Keyes and Tom DeWeese also have excellent web sites. For family resources, I recommend Doug Phillips' Vision Forum. One should definitely receive Phyllis Schlafly's newsletters. Pat Buchanan is an author and political commentator worth reading and listening to.

In addition, I recently left the GOP and am now proud to be identified with the Constitution Party. I recommend the CP to my readers. I also like what Jim Gilchrist is doing with the Minuteman Project. Congressman Tom Tancredo deserves our support, too.

  • Fourthly, never discount prayer. God's true champions have seldom, if ever, been a majority. Throughout history, God has used a small number of faithful and courageous Christian soldiers to accomplish His divine will. He can still do so.

If everyone reading this column would sincerely and seriously be willing to change their affiliations and associations, would endeavor to personally educate and inform themselves with the truth, would endeavor to not knowingly support organizations and individuals that contribute to the compromise of our national sovereignty and independence, and would be willing to fervently and faithfully pray for America, there is no telling what may result.

So, what are you waiting for? Get busy!

© Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included.

Editors or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or advertising who want to run these columns must contact Chuck Baldwin for permission. Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an interview with Chuck should contact

When responding, please include your name, city and state. And, unless otherwise requested, all respondents will be added to the Chuck Wagon address list.

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Sweetheart Deal Offered In 9/11 Document Scandal


Judicial Watch

Smiley Flag WaverThe Bush Justice Department brokered a “sweetheart deal” with Berger’s attorney, wherein Berger’s treachery only earned him a $50,000 fine, 100 hours of community service and a three-year bar from accessing classified material. What a travesty of justice! Shame on the Bush administration for their blatant “Washington Insider” coddling of the repugnant Mr. Berger! Any ordinary citizen would be doing “hard time.”

From the Desk of Chris Farrell - JW Director of Investigations:

Samuel "Sandy" Berger's Crime

We finally have all of the salacious details of Clinton National Security Advisor Samuel “Sandy” Berger’s criminal behavior in absconding with classified documents from the National Archives with the release of an Archives Inspector General report. In 2003, Berger reviewed classified Clinton-era records pertaining to terrorism in preparation for testimony before the 9/11 Commission. Berger lied about taking the classified documents from the Archives, and then later admitted to stealing the documents from the building and sliding them under a construction trailer. He later retrieved the stolen classified documents from the construction area and returned with them to his office, where he destroyed several of the records with scissors.

In my opinion, Berger was going to very great lengths to hide something incredibly damning about the Clinton administration’s actions – or lack thereof – concerning international terrorism. There’s never been an adequate explanation from Berger about what he was so terribly desperate to destroy. To make matters worse, the Bush Justice Department brokered a “sweetheart deal” with Berger’s attorney, wherein Berger’s treachery only earned him a $50,000 fine, 100 hours of community service and a three-year bar from accessing classified material. What a travesty of justice! Shame on the Bush administration for their blatant “Washington Insider” coddling of the repugnant Mr. Berger! Any ordinary citizen would be doing “hard time.”

Chris Farrell
JW Director Of Investigations

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life. To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of our efforts, click here.

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$900,000 Awarded In Clinton Fundraising Lawsuit


Judicial Watch

Smiley Flag WaverThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the vast majority of a lower court award to Judicial Watch of nearly $900,000 in attorney’s fees and costs in a lawsuit related to the Clinton fundraising scandals (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Commerce, Appeal No. 05-5366).

From the Desk of Chris Farrell - JW Director of Investigations:

Another Important Judicial Watch Victory!

Our persistence and tenacity in holding the Clintons’ accountable was certified by a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the vast majority of a lower court award to Judicial Watch of nearly $900,000 in attorney’s fees and costs in a lawsuit related to the Clinton fundraising scandals (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Commerce, Appeal No. 05-5366). The fees were awarded on December 1, 2006, after a nearly decade-long court battle waged by Judicial Watch. The scandal involved a scheme by Clinton administration officials to sell seats on taxpayer-funded trade missions in exchange for campaign contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign. Frankly, both of the Clintons still have a lot to answer concerning this scandal. Let’s see if any of the mainstream media dare to bring the matter up with either Bill or Hillary.

Chris Farrell
JW Director Of INvestigations

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life. To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of our efforts, click here.

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Prostitutes In The Pulpit


Chuck Baldwin Live

Smiley Flag WaverMost conservative Christian ministers would never dare challenge President George W. Bush or hardly any other prominent Republican, for that matter. Regardless of how unconstitutional or even unbiblical his policies and decisions might be, they refuse to address them. They either keep quiet or publicly support these fallacious decisions. What can such conduct be if it is not a deliberate attempt to grovel before power, to prostitute our message for the pleasure of men?

Prostitutes In The Pulpit

~ By Chuck Baldwin
January 4, 2007

The Ted Haggard debacle is certainly a blight upon the cause of Christ. Unfortunately, it was not the first such embarrassment the Body of Christ has been forced to endure. Neither will it be the last. When it comes to sexual improprieties, there is no shortage of human frailty.

However, discernment and discretion teach us that not all sins are created equal. For example, one would be foolish indeed to compare King David to the sons of Eli. The character assassins in the media (and in some "Christian" periodicals) will never admit it, but we must acknowledge the difference between a good man "overtaken in a fault" and the discovery of a spiritual imposter.

We must also acknowledge the fact that even someone of the caliber of King David must suffer the consequences of adultery. It is a sad commentary on the spirituality of modern churches to see how many adulterers are allowed to remain in positions of leadership. The cover-up of adulterers, homosexuals, and even child molesters seems pervasive. In this regard, many ministers are no better than medical doctors in not being willing to demand personal accountability among their peers. This is a phenomenon that will certainly continue to bring additional embarrassment and consternation to the work of God.

That being said, it needs to be pointed out that sexual sin is not the primary problem in most churches today. There is another pandemic that is quickly destroying the modern church in America. Furthermore, this scourge is infinitely greater in destructive power than any of the sexual sins that the modern Pharisees seem to be consumed with.

The cancer that is eating the heart and soul out of the American church is the willingness of pastors and ministers to be bought, intimidated, or influenced by the purveyors of wealth and power. Too many pulpits have become little more than spiritual brothels where men are paid to provide pleasure for the rich and powerful. In the words of the Apostle Paul, they are "teachers, having itching ears."

Throughout America, pastors cater their sermons and writings to wealthy businessmen, politicians, celebrities, or other people of influence. Turn on the average "gospel" radio or television program. What do you hear? Prosperity theology. Entertainment evangelism. Positive Mental Attitude speeches.

In addition, most conservative Christian ministers would never dare challenge President George W. Bush or hardly any other prominent Republican, for that matter. Regardless of how unconstitutional or even unbiblical his policies and decisions might be, they refuse to address them. They either keep quiet or publicly support these fallacious decisions. What can such conduct be if it is not a deliberate attempt to grovel before power, to prostitute our message for the pleasure of men?

It seems that with far too many of today's pastors, the supreme desire is to be successful, to be popular, to be comfortable. Or worse, to accumulate money and wealth. We are looking for lavish lifestyles, opulent opportunities, or personal praise. And our preaching reflects it.

When is the last time you heard a sermon on hell or judgment? When is the last time you heard a preacher call sin by its first name? Most notable mega-churches proudly say that they never use the word "sinner." Lost, unredeemed souls are now called "pre-Christian" people. Words such as "repentance" have been removed from the vocabulary of the average pulpit in America today.

Yet, without sin and judgment, there is no grace and forgiveness. Without hell, there is no heaven. No repentance, no faith. No wrath, no mercy. No cross, no crown. No conviction, no Holy Spirit. No serpent, no Paradise. No transgression, no Gospel.

No, it is not physical adultery that is destroying our churches. The vast majority of America's pastors and ministers are moral men who are true to their wives and families. The problem is spiritual whoredom. Preachers need to renounce their friendship with the world (called spiritual fornication in Scripture), which includes the world's political and business leaders, and renew their vows to the God of the Bible. This, more than anything else, would bring true restitution and redemption to our nation.

© Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included.

Editors or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or advertising who want to run these columns must contact Chuck Baldwin for permission. Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an interview with Chuck should contact

When responding, please include your name, city and state. And, unless otherwise requested, all respondents will be added to the Chuck Wagon address list.

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Lawsuit Initiated Over Illegal Alien Sanctuary Policy


Judicial Watch

Smiley Flag WaverJudicial Watch recently learned about a resolution under consideration by the Cook County, Illinois Board of Commissioners that would declare Cook County an official “Sanctuary County” for illegal aliens. The resolution would, in effect, conform the Cook County Sheriff’s Office immigration policy to a Chicago Police Department policy that prevents county employees from assisting with immigration enforcement and/or reporting suspected illegal immigrants to federal authorities. Judicial Watch launched an investigation to determine whether or not these policies and procedures are “consistent with the requirements of federal law.”

January 5, 2007

From the Desk of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:

Judicial Watch Sues Chicago Police Department Over Illegal Alien Sanctuary Policy

You can add Chicago, Illinois to the list of cities under investigation by Judicial Watch for undermining federal immigration laws. Just before Christmas, on December 22, 2006, Judicial Watch filed an open records lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department seeking information about the department’s so-called “sanctuary policy” for illegal aliens.

Specifically, we’re asking the court to force the Chicago Police Department to respond to Judicial Watch’s October 13, 2006 Illinois Freedom of Information Act request seeking documents regarding policies that govern the interactions between police officers and suspected or known illegals.

Why Chicago?

Judicial Watch recently learned about a resolution under consideration by the Cook County, Illinois Board of Commissioners that would declare Cook County an official “Sanctuary County” for illegal aliens. The resolution would, in effect, conform the Cook County Sheriff’s Office immigration policy to a Chicago Police Department policy that prevents county employees from assisting with immigration enforcement and/or reporting suspected illegal immigrants to federal authorities. Judicial Watch launched an investigation to determine whether or not these policies and procedures are “consistent with the requirements of federal law.”

For those of you who have been following Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department, this will all sound familiar to you. Judicial Watch is battling ACLU lawyers in a lawsuit against the LAPD over “Special Order 40,” a policy that prohibits police officers from inquiring about an individual’s immigration status, and reportedly restricts police officers from cooperating with federal immigration officials. In that particular lawsuit, Judicial Watch is asking the court to prohibit the LAPD from expending taxpayer funds to enforce and maintain Special Order 40.

In addition to Chicago and Los Angeles, Judicial Watch is also investigating the immigration policies of the Orange County, California Sheriff’s Office, and police departments in Houston, Texas, and Westchester County, New York. (Judicial Watch is also challenging taxpayer-funded illegal alien day labor sites in Virginia and California.)

The illegal immigration crisis is bad enough without local governments further undermining the rule of law. Stay tuned …

Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life. To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of our efforts, click here.

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