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Monday, January 17, 2005

The Unravelling Of America


Patriotic Smiley

The real America has been quietly replaced by a land of dark, occultic powers controlling masses of clueless people who are stumbling blindly behind a faulty leadership (major party) into a predictable morass of serfdom and slavery quite equal or greater than the days of the Babylonian empire or that of ancient Rome. Just how did this come about when most Americans are ready to sock anyone who says they're not free? Because the power structure that's in place, the pressures for conformity, the selective discrimination based on religion (the Christian faith) and the enticements to more depraved forms of "pleasure" have acted as a slow poison to the minds of people who were once able to think more clearly. They had absolutes and standards, and have been told for decades now that there are no absolutes, that "right and wrong" are states of mind.


~ Dorothy A. Seese
January 15, 2005

The real America has been quietly replaced by a land of dark, occultic powers controlling masses of clueless people who are stumbling blindly behind a faulty leadership (major party) into a predictable morass of serfdom and slavery quite equal or greater than the days of the Babylonian empire or that of ancient Rome. Just how did this come about when most Americans are ready to sock anyone who says they're not free? Because the power structure that's in place, the pressures for conformity, the selective discrimination based on religion (the Christian faith) and the enticements to more depraved forms of "pleasure" have acted as a slow poison to the minds of people who were once able to think more clearly. They had absolutes and standards, and have been told for decades now that there are no absolutes, that "right and wrong" are states of mind.

The unraveling of America is clear enough to the world, it simply isn't clear at all to most Americans. To those who see what should be obvious to all, there is a stigma attached -- "Conspiracy Theorist." It isn't much different than people thinking that only lunatics believed man would ever fly in planes, or space ships, or have electric lights. Herd thinking is the very substance on which tyrants rely, because they know their propaganda machines will be accepted by the herds.

In the case of illicit pleasures, the attacks on the home and acceptance of infidelity or promiscuity have created a generation of confused children who will believe anyone who seems to "know" what is going on and give the children a foundation to which they can cling, even if it is occult. Those who hate the Ten Commandments and give way to a gentler, Mother Earth religion find consolation in Babylonian religion where Christianity demands accountability and repentance for sin. Sin? Erase that word from the dictionary, it was used by earlier and "unenlightened" Americans who believed in some Absolute Creator.

In this environment, Americans trudge to work and back daily, if they still have a job, and the retired Americans find themselves (as has been the case for at least fifty years) of being told that there won't be any money for Social Security. Keep distractions flowing, immediate causes of worry, and no one will notice what else is going on. That is precisely what is happening. Dark forces are closing in on the peoples of the once-Christian world, which in many cases failed to even resemble the Christianity of the Bible, and even the supposed Christian Church is going along with all the tolerance.

No one feels anything is worth a fight unless it's overseas somewhere, and even then when those people are told that the war isn't about our freedom or security, they want to fight the messengers rather than investigate the leadership.

Is it difficult to see why America, as it was, has only a remnant of faithful Americans who will challenge the system? We've always had to first fight the twits in our own country before we could get them to throw aside their blind trust in our so-called leadership and see what the issues really are. The average American who watches major media news is ready to kick the spit out of anyone who says he isn't free, yet he will get into his car and strap himself into a harness because it's the law; he will pay illegal taxes because he's afraid of the government; he will drive to a job he hates, knowing he may never get any return on his Social Security taxes; he will even volunteer to join the military to fight for the freedom of this country that hasn't been under attack by foreigners since the end of World War II. Then he will stand outside in the cold to smoke because the city passed an ordinance, with or without any vote, to tell business owners how to run their businesses, and keep his mouth shut when a couple of men walk by smooching each other. But he's free. Say what?

These same people will refuse to vote anything but major political party because they feel their vote will be wasted, yet they don't consider that their present restraints, and those in place as law but not enforced yet, are there to destroy the last vestige of his freedom. It's extremely difficult to get any viable third party in place when the American population is divided between the appearance of two parties that have a single agenda and merely different methods to get there ... and that agenda is to take down America and meld it into the Global Governance village of highest occultism and moral decadence.

This observer is not at all against change but rather all for change, particularly a change to a new regimen of real American spirit and understanding under the absolutist rule of law based on the same premises as our founding documents. Changing the judicary from activism and making law back to interpreting law is progressive change, not regression. When rights become privileges, then citizens are serfs and representatives are oligarchs.

That's precisely where America stands in 2005 and the year has just begun. By the end of it, there is no telling what will occur. The plans are there, but then the plan to invade Iran seems to have been somewhat upset by a major earthquake and tsunami. Did we do that with some of our extreme technology? Or was that a warning that an absolute Creator is displeased with the conduct of the people of this earth? Where might the next disaster strike? Hurricanes struck four major blows at the United States in 2004, making it the worst year on record for hurricane devastation.

There's a message in this but the people aren't reading the signs.

Hours will be spent on reading about some supposed code in a painting by Da Vinci, but little to no time spent in reading the signs falling upon the earth from "natural" causes. People will follow like sheep, and sheep are herded either for the shearing or for the slaughter. Our sheeple will find that both are occuring and will continue to occur.

Whatever "Happy New Year" meant in the past, it doesn't mean the same thing now because the same things that make for some measure of happiness in a world of mortals, of sickness and suffering, of pain and despair, aren't in place. Romanticizing this era cannot absolve it of its destructiveness, and kissing Mother Earth's trees won't stop the onrush of raging tides and rivers.

If there is a "manifest destiny" it is not in conquering the lands of others but in stemming the tides of evil that are dropping over the earth like dark ashes from a great volcanic eruption, one that makes anything thus far seen by man totally miniscule by comparison. In such a condition, ashes have beclouded the eyes and thoughts of those who cannot fathom what is taking place and either deny it or rationalize it. Either way, it is a form of acceptance in the face of denial, a strange sort of paradox of man seeing his own blindness and denying it.

Since we are a product of what has gone before as much as of the influences exerted directly upon us as people in a segment of spacetime, we should be able to make the comparisons with what has gone before, but we as a people collectively don't wish to do that. It is unpleasant.

Except for its part in bringing together a land where deception could grow unnoticed and ripen into the huge harvest of evil fruit being cast about today, America might as well never have been discovered. What appeared to be a bright and shining light to the world around it has shown itself to be absorbed in the darkness enshrouding the world at large, and perhaps leading the evils of the day.

To those who know there is a grand and overriding absolute and immutable plan, rejoice.

To those who love ashes and sackcloth, they will abound.

Choose whom you will serve.

© 2005 Dorothy A. Seese - All Rights Reserved

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Dorothy Anne Seese has been working since she was three and a half years old, but not as a journalist.

Her career began as a child actress in the 1939-1942 "Five Little Peppers" film series produced by Columbia that mercifully ended with the nation's involvement in World War II, although she did do small parts in a few films until 1953. By that time, she was a student at U.C.L.A. where she received her liberal arts degree in Political Science.


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