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Haircut: 25 Cents / Shave: 15 Cents / Talk Of The Town: Free

The Inside Track ... News With Views You Won't Hear On The News ...

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

About Us -- The Barber Shoppe Gazette


The CU Smiley Guy .. Sorry folks, I just REALLY thought this smiley was cool and had to share it. CU ADMIN

Today, in the continuing spirit of a great American tradition, the back room at the Barber Shoppe, through the use of modern technology, has moved to the global World Wide Web of the Internet, in the form of "The Barber Shoppe Gazette."


In the early days of American history, prior to the advent of modern-day motion pictures, radio and television, in an era when newspapers were the primary method of news communication and editorial comment, patriotic American men often gathered in the back room of the local town Barber Shoppe or General Store [which often housed the Barber Shoppe in a back room] to privately discuss the current political and social events of the times among themselves over a game of checkers or billiards, or in a roundtable discussion seated around a pot-belly, wood or coal burning stove in the wintertime. The cost of a haircut was 25 cents. The cost of a shave was 15 cents. The talk of the town was free.

Today, in the continuing spirit of that great American tradition, the back room at the Barber Shoppe, through the use of modern technology, has moved to the global World Wide Web of the Internet, in the form of "The Barber Shoppe Gazette."

Now everyone -- men, women, young adults and children -- can view and take an active participation in the discussion of current political and social issues affecting our traditional American values and heritage -- facts, issues and opinions often avoided, biased, covered up, disregarded or mis-represented by today's corrupt liberal mainstream media.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to bring you the inside track ... articles and news with views that you won't hear or see in the mainstream news media. Thanks to you, our loyal supporters, our distribution list is expanding to an increasing number of readers, as associates, friends, neighbors and relatives to whom you've recommended a subscription, or to whom you've e-mail forwarded a copy of some of our articles, have elected to sign-up for a free e-mail subscription of their own.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

~ The FIRST AMENDMENT To The U.S. Constitution

The concept of "freedom of speech, or of the press" is one held in the highest regard.

"The Barber Shoppe Gazette" attempts to provide website visitors and e-mail newsletter subscribers with a wide array of informative articles on topics covering a variety of subject categories, which are perceived to be of primary interest and importance to the majority of American people in the preservation of the "right to freedom, liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness."

While the original content of articles is not censored, content is occasionally highlighted by "The Barber Shoppe Gazette' editor/publisher/webmaster, to provide emphasis regarding specific details or information provided by the original author of a particular article, in the belief that those reading the article are fully capable of discerning their own decisions regarding its content.

Among the many varied articles posted for individual review, consideration, and personal comment, there will undoubtedly be some content with which one disagrees, finds useless, or possibly offensive. Obviously, article content which some may oppose, may be of value in providing insight to others.

The host server, on which "Barber Shoppe Gazette" articles are posted for public view, provides facilities at the end of each article for publicly publishing individual [anonymously, if one so desires] comments or criticisms regarding the content of any posted article. Alternatively, one is always free to scroll past any article of dis-interest, and to proceed to the next.

"The Barber Shoppe Gazette" welcomes opposing views, both pro and con, on the content of posted articles, as well as on the content of posted comments. With reservation, solely at the discretion of the editor/publisher/webmaster, "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" will not censor, delete, or edit the content of any posted comment with which the editor/publisher/webmaster personally disagrees, with exception that any posted comment containing profanity, defamation, slander, or otherwise illegal-unlawful, obnoxious, inappropriate, or irrelevant to article content, will be deleted.

Censorship is recognized as an individual right. It is recommended, however, that an individual keep an open mind, to read article content with which they both agree and disagree, and to avoid making assumptions concerning posted issues discussed here. Assumptions lead to misguided perceptions. People once "assumed" that the world was flat. Relying solely on conventional, mainstream, media sources and sweeping controversy under the rug serves only to produce a one-track, narrow, closed-minded, brainwashed, indoctrinated individual. Read, consider, and then make your own informed decisions.

Information posted in articles contained in "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Opinions expressed in articles and comments posted in "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" e-mail newsletter, and on the website do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of, or reflect the opinions and views of, the editor/publisher/webmaster of "The Barber Shoppe Gazette," with exception that the editor/publisher/webmaster of "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" advocates and endorses the political platform of the Constitution Party. Inclusion of an endorsement of the Constitution Party in "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" material does not constitute an endorsement of "The Barber Shoppe Gazette," or the content contained therein, by the Constitution Party.

The materials comprising "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" service (E-mail Newsletter and "Website") are provided by "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" as a service to its readers and subscribers on an "as-is, as-available" basis for informational purposes only. "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in these materials. "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" makes no commitment to update the information contained herein. Further, "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" cannot edit, control, review for truth or accuracy, or screen for defamation or obscenity any content provided to the website by a third party through postings, uploaded files, or any other form of communication, nor can "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" ensure prompt removal of defamatory, obscene, inappropriate or unlawful content after transmission. Any such third party postings, files or other communications do not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs, or positions of "The Barber Shoppe Gazette," its owner, editor, publisher, webmaster, employees or sponsors.

"The Barber Shoppe Gazette" makes no, and expressly disclaims any, representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the e-mail newsletter and website, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" makes no, and expressly disclaims any, warranties, express or implied, regarding the correctness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and reliability of the text, graphics, links to other sites and any other items accessed from or via the e-mail newsletter or website or the Internet, or that the services will be uninterrupted, error-free or free of viruses or other harmful components. Under no circumstances shall "The Barber Shoppe Gazette," its owner, or any of their respective partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, associates or representatives be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential damages for lost revenues, lost profits, or otherwise, arising from or in connection with the e-mail newsletter or website, the materials contained herein, or the Internet generally.

All materials contained in the e-mail newsletter and website are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the author, authors or sources of said materials.

You may download or forward material from "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" e-mail newsletter or website for your personal and non-commercial use only, without altering or removing any trademark, copyright or other notice from such material. Any third party materials posted, filed or otherwise communicated to the website become the copyrighted property of "The Barber Shoppe Gazette," and may be used, reproduced, published, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited by "The Barber Shoppe Gazette."

"The Barber Shoppe Gazette" is a non-commercial, non-profit enterprise. Under provisions of the 'fair use' clause of copyright law, "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" accepts no advertising. Access to "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" website and e-mail newsletter subscriptions to "The Barber Shoppe Gazette," are completely free of charge. It is all free to you -- 24 hours a day -- seven days a week -- 365 days a year.

Thank you for visiting "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" website and/or subscribing to "The Barber Shoppe Gazette" e-mail newsletter.


FAIR USE NOTICE: Many of the stories in this newsletter contain copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is made available in an effort to advance the understanding of environmental issues and sustainability, human rights, economic and political democracy, and issues of social justice, which is believed to constitute a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Permission must be obtained from the copyright owner if an individual wishes to make use of such copyrighted material for personal or for-profit purposes that extend beyond the definition of the 'fair use' clause.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this newsletter is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for comment, criticism, debate, discussion, educational, news reporting, research, scholarship and teaching purposes. This newsletter may be distributed, forwarded or reproduced in its entirety, unedited and without profit, for personal use among associates, friends, neighbors and relatives, for such 'fair use' purposes described herein. For more information go to:
United States Code: Title 17, Section 106 Chapter 1 - Subject Matter And Scope of Copyright
United States Code: Title 17, Section 107

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