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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Tell Congress To Vote For A Taxpayer-Friendly Budget


National Taxpayers Union * 108 N. Alfred Street * Alexandria, Virginia * 22314


Patriotic Smiley

The "Contract with America: Renewed" would balance the budget by 2011, propose the elimination of over 150 federal programs (many of which have been rated "non-performing"), guard against automatic tax increases, and make real reductions in discretionary spending. The plan additionally includes much-needed budget process and earmark reform.

While Congress took the welcome step last year of slowing the growth of federal spending by less than a third of one percent, Washington can and should work harder at trimming its waistline. The five-year spending restraint budget blueprint promoted by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group of fiscal conservatives in the House of Representatives, is one way for Congress to get serious about controlling budget deficits by limiting taxes and cutting wasteful spending.

In particular, the "Contract with America: Renewed" would balance the budget by 2011, propose the elimination of over 150 federal programs (many of which have been rated "non-performing"), guard against automatic tax increases, and make real reductions in discretionary spending. The plan additionally includes much-needed budget process and earmark reform.

Although the five-year, $650 billion in savings from the RSC initiatives would still leave the federal government with roughly 95 percent of its projected outlays from Fiscal Years 2007 through 2011, this is the first serious step to reining in our budget madness. Tell your lawmakers to renew the contract with taxpayers by supporting the RSC budget!

Congress must stand up to special interests and craft a sustainable federal budget that doesn't break the backs of taxpayers. This means searching every nook and cranny of the federal government for savings. Taxpayers should fully support the RSC's efforts to help lead the way to fiscal discipline.

While big-government apologists justify higher taxes by pointing to the "critically-important" programs that Washington funds year in and year out,, the RSC budget suggests many program terminations as a way to reaching a balanced budget. Examples of proposed terminations in the "Contract with America: Renewed" include:

  • Great Ape Conservation Program
  • Federal Support for Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Federal Subsidies for Mass Transit
  • Exchanges with Historic Whaling and Trading Partners
  • Native Hawaiian Vocational Education Program
  • Byrd Honors Scholarships
  • Native Hawaiian Healthcare Program
  • Legal Services Corporation
  • Congressional Printing at GPO
  • Funding for the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation

Furthermore, the RSC budget would control growth in several major entitlement programs (such as capping Medicare growth at 5.4 percent annually) and rescind all of the egregious earmarks contained within last year's highway bill (such as Alaska's infamous "Bridge to Nowhere").

Take Action on this Issue

Send this prepared, pre-formatted message to:

Your Congressperson

Dear [ Decision Maker ],

As a taxpayer, I urge you to vote in favor of H.Con.Res.373, also called the RSC budget plan, as a prudent alternative to the President's proposal. The President's efforts to restrain spending growth and eliminate waste are a good start, but much more has to be done to restore some common sense to Washington.

Spending has been out of control in recent years and has caused the federal government to go from having a surplus to massive deficits. The President's tax cuts have helped spur economic growth, but the massive expansion of federal programs has saddled future generations of taxpayers with enormous burdens.

The RSC budget recognizes the need for fiscal discipline and I urge Congress to heed the call to balance the budget, control entitlement growth, eliminate poorly-performing programs, and keep taxes hikes at bay. Americans are already swimming in red ink, and it's time to close the floodgates.


[Your name]
[Your address]

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