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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election 2006: ''D'' Stands For Disaster


Alains Newsletter

Smiley Flag WaverAs a recovering liberal, I recall being a slave to the mantra of the left when it came to voting decisions. Although it is painful to admit it, the truth is that I used to automatically punch a hole next to the candidate with a D next to his or her name.

Voting Tip For Tuesday: "D" Stands For Disaster

~ John W. Lillpop
Friday 3 November 2006

As a recovering liberal, I recall being a slave to the mantra of the left when it came to voting decisions. Although it is painful to admit it, the truth is that I used to automatically punch a hole next to the candidate with a D next to his or her name.

That was it. My civic responsibility had been fulfilled for another two years.

With the exception of paying property, state, local, and federal income taxes that is. And the oddest coincidence changed my voting habits forever: My taxes got higher and higher in direct proportion to the number of Ds I voted for!

Eventually, I achieved a more sophisticated understanding of the D effect. I now realize that:

Ds are a disaster on national defense and homeland security.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to supporting the uniformed men and women who fight for freedom and democracy.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to defending the unborn.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to border security and illegal immigration.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to Supreme Court nominations and other judges.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to tax policies.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to education.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to overall economic policy.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to traditional moral values.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to law and order.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to affirmative action and other PC issues.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to freeing America from dependence on foreign oil.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to the size of government.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to taxing and regulating private U.S. enterprise.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to America’s heritage of religious faith.

Ds are a disaster when to comes to tort reform.

Ds are a disaster when it comes to defending the U.S. Constitution

All in all, astute voters should heed the following advice when thinking about voting for a Democrat: Don’t!

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal, ’clean and sober’ since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are considered reasonable!

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