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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dad's Brownies: Rating The Movie Ratings



SmileyFlagWaver-1A father of some teenage children had a rule that they couldn't attend PG-13 or R rated movies. Still, his three teens wanted to see a particular PG-13 rated movie that was playing at the local theatre.

If any of the kids could eat a brownie which contained just a "bit of crap" and not be effected by it, then he knew they would also be able to see the movie with "just a bit of smut" and not be effected.

Dad's Brownies

~ Cyberspace News
November 2001

A father of some teenage children had a rule that they couldn't attend PG-13 or R rated movies. Still, his three teens wanted to see a particular PG-13 rated movie that was playing at the local theatre. The teens interviewed friends and members of the family's church to find out what was offensive in the movie. The kids also made a list of pros and cons about the movie to convince their dad that they should be allowed to see it.

The cons were that it contained "only" three swear words, the "only" violence was a building exploding, and you didn't actually "see" the couple in the movie having sex; it was just implied off-camera. The pros were that it was a blockbuster movie that everyone was seeing. The movie contained a good story and plot. There were fantastic special effects and the most talented actors in Hollywood. Many of the members of the family's Christian church had even seen the movie and said it wasn't "very bad."

As there were more pros than cons, the teens were asking their father's permission this ONE time to see the movie. The father looked at the list. He said he could tell his children had spent some time and thought on this list and he wanted a day to think before making his decision.

The next evening the father called them into the living room. On the table, he had a plate of brownies. The father told his kids that he had thought about their request and had decided that if they would eat a brownie, they could go to the movie. But just like the movie, the brownies had pros and cons.

The pros were that they were made with the finest chocolate and other good ingredients. They were moist and fresh with lovely chocolate frosting on top. And the brownies had been made lovingly by their own dad.

The brownies had only one con. They contained just a little bit of dog poop. But the father had mixed the dough well -- the kids would probably not be able to taste the poop. Plus he had baked it at 350 degrees so any bacteria or germs from the poop had probably been destroyed.

So if any of the kids could eat a brownie which contained just a "bit of crap" and not be effected by it, then he knew they would also be able to see the movie with "just a bit of smut" and not be effected.

Of course none of the teens would eat the brownies. And they never asked to see another PG-13 or R movie again.

Cyberspace News

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