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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's Time To Quit Yor Job When ...


SmileyFlagWaver-1The toxic corporate culture, poor management, gross inefficiency and the attitude that comes down from the top is the toughest thing to change.

A disrespectful, demeaning boss is without question the top reason people walk away from jobs.


It's Time To Quit When ...

Dan Miller
~ By Dan Miller -- Having the radio show on Sunday nights gives me a new appreciation for people who dread going to work on Monday morning. Callers share concerns, fears and disgust about what they are facing the next day.

I’m currently working with 52 yr-old Liz, who, after 24 years of faithful service -- walked out of her high level corporate job two weeks ago. She described the high stress, the layers of poor management, and the gross inefficiency. I hear lots of reasons for leaving a job including a lack of autonomy, no time flexibility, feeling unappreciated and poor pay. But as I talked with Liz, even all those great reasons for leaving would have been tolerated; however, what could not be tolerated was a disrespectful, demeaning boss. This is without question the top reason people walk away from jobs.

I look for telltale signs someone needs a change. Obviously, physical aches and maladies are often a first clue. People relate the sense of dread that may start on Sunday night, but then may pop into your head immediately after Sunday morning church or even ruin the enjoyment of Saturday. Liz talked about spending 25 minutes just sitting in her car in the parking lot before having the courage to walk in the door, and thus being late, compounding the frustration and belittling.

I am not one to burn bridges. When someone contacts me I never suggest leaving a position until we have a clear goal and transition plan in place. I also attempt to categorize those things we can change and those we cannot. Discrepancies in pay or promotions, company policies and even specific job tasks are things that can be changed. But the corporate culture, the attitude that comes down from the top is the toughest thing to change. If your company has a toxic corporate culture, or you have a direct boss who is disrespectful and demeaning, it may not be reasonable to think you can change it. The price you pay emotionally and eventually physically, is too high. Life is too short. With that, it may be time to quit. …

"If you always live with those who are lame, you will yourself learn to limp." -- Latin Proverb

© Copyright 2006 The Christian Broadcasting Network


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